3. - The Abyssal Being inside the Ruins.

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  The staircase felt like it went on forever. It just kept on going deeper and deeper down underground - I was beginning to regret the choice of even coming down here. Mostly because it would be a nightmare to propel myself all the way back up the stairs to the surface.

I just kept on carefully slithering down the stairs, making sure to keep aware on where I was slithering. These stairs, just like the ruins on the surface, looked quite old and definitely untouched by anyone in years - perhaps even longer. 

They just looked like they hadn't been used in a very, very long time.

While making my way down, a thought came to my mind. 

'What even is there at the bottom of this?'

I thought. While I could take a few guesses onto what could be at the bottom, solely based on the look of the ruins on top, mainly the two dragon statues beside the entrance, I also contemplated the possibility that those statues didn't actually possess any meaning and were just decoration. 

After all - it was sort of just like in my old world, where humans would build statues or something, that most of the time didn't serve any other purpose other than to be 'cool' decorations or tourist attractions.

'Who knows - maybe they are a symbol of some ancient Emperor being buried here or something.'

I thought with an unimpressed expression.

Eventually - or finally should I say - I reached the end of the staircase. Part of me was exhausted from just the sheer amount of stairs I had just traversed down, however I didn't take any moment to rest as I looked around.

The stairs had lead me down to a cylinder shaped 'room' which only had two things in it - the staircase I had just gotten off of and a tunnel entrance, which lead inside somewhere deep.

'Well, I'm down here now anyway, so I may as well start exploring.'

I thought before beginning to move to the tunnel entrance. The entrance to the tunnel seemed to have a frame - a frame that one may compare to a door frame in my old life. This frame was from what looked like bricks or stone with fancy patterns.

At the top of the frame, seemingly was a precious gem, imbedded in the stone frame.

'I am more and more getting conviced that some kind of emperor or something is buried down here..'

I thought before sighing and moving inside the tunnel, envoleped by the darkness inside it.

  Despite the absolute lack of light, it wasn't as hard to navigate as I thought - although this probably was because of me being a snake now.

..Do snakes have better vision in the dark than humans?

Honestly - who cares. Well, certainly not me.

The tunnel was completely straight and seemed to show signs of time getting to it - cracks in the walls and ground, broken pieces of stone and rubble everywhere as well as vines somehow growing on the walls.

That was the weirdest thing to me. While I am not a biologist, I'm pretty sure vines shouldn't be able to grow this deep under ground, especially without sunlight.

But hey - I'm not a biologist, so maybe I'm wrong.

I navigated the tunnel for a small while, encountering no other monster or life form during my path. It was strange - I would have expected that ruins that looked so old, would have surely been overrun with all sorts of monsters and such, however there wasn't anything here.

But then again...

'Now that I think about it.. I haven't seen any really dangerous creatures out in the forest as well... The closest to a monster were those slimes and I wouldn't exactly call them 'dangerous'.'

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