22. - Beginning As an Adventurer.

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Once I stepped into the guild, the atmosphere instantly changed. It was even more lively inside the guild building than outside on the streets.
There were adventurers of all races there - drinking together, discussing, eating - there was honestly far too much happening for me to name every single thing.

At the same time - it all seemed pretty classic. Basically, what you would expect from an adventurers guild in a fantasy world.

There were several receptionists at the back end wall, each one different from the last.
One was a human, another an elf - then a female, then male. Atleast there was variety.
I took in another deep breath before walking up to the least busy receptionist, which so happened to be a lizardman that was going through some papers.

"Excuse me-"

I began, catching the receptionists attention.
The lizardman placed the papers in his hands down before clearing his throat.

[Lizardman Receptionist] "Welcome to the Ordial Adventuring Guild. How may I help you today mister?"

'It feels weird seeing a male lizardman be a receptionist... Most isekai stories I knew always had some female human.'

I thought.

"I was wondering if I could sign up to be an adventurer?"

I asked, keeping a polite and friendly tone.

[Lizardman Receptionist] "Certainly. We'll just need you to fill out a form."

The lizardman stated before turning around and walking away to the back.
As I began waiting, a thought came to my mind.

If there was a question on what class I was... What the hell do I write down?
I had no experience with a sword or any weapon.. so maybe a spell caster.

Although that didn't work out either, since technically I didn't have many magic based skills.
The only one I could think of was [Black Magic].
So this definitely creates a slight inconvenient thought.

If it is requested for you to write down a class, writing 'Black Sorcerer' is a good idea.

'Black Sorcerer'? Sounds hell of a lot like 'Black Summoner'.
Although - why is writing that down as my class a good idea?

'Black Sorcerers' are usually the only ones capable of using Black Magic.

By writing your class as a Black Sorcerer, you are decreasing your chance of being found suspicious by around 84%.

Oh wow... You really are amazing [Sages' Wisdom].
Very well - Looks like I was going to write myself off as a Black Sorcerer.

A few moments later, the lizardman receptionist returned with the form.

[Lizardman Receptionist] "I do apologize for the wait. Please, fill out every field in this form."

The lizardman stated before handing me the form paper and a birds feather with an ink vile.
Wow, this really was a medieval type era of a world. They're using feathers and ink viles - that's kinda cool.

I began to fill out the form.
Gotta say, my handwriting definitely decreased in quality over the course of a month. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't as good as it was when I was still working at that office job.

I filled out the whole form in around 2 minutes. Like Sages' Wisdom suggested, I wrote my class down as 'Black Sorcerer'.
I also wrote my name as 'Shin' instead of Faofa. I figured that perhaps writing my name as 'Faofa' wouldn't be the best idea, incase something happens to dirty the image of the name Faofa.

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