67. - A Secret to Keep.

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       I was in a cold sweat, as Jio asked me the question which was probably the last thing I wanted to hear. 'Just who are you?'.

Now, I know what you all are thinking - can't you just, dunno, answer with 'Just an Adventurer' or something and be done with it?
Well, yes, I can. However, she'd never buy it, especially after seeing my aura that I decided to show off to try and intimidate the cloaked people who were still standing.

Then there is probably the question of - why the flying fuck did you do it then, knowing that Jio was here?

Well, the answer to that my dear friends, is that I have no idea..
Yeah, I'm not gonna make shit up to try and explain my mistake - what's the point if it's easy to see that it is complete bullshit?

Jio stared at me with a confused stare, before standing on her own, without my help.

'She recovered fast-'

Analysis of her Status suggests that she may possess a Regeneration skill of sorts.
So, I'd say as far as worrying goes, you don't really have a reason to worry about her.

I see..
Well, that's good news, because I have absolutely no healing abilities. I'm a Darkness Serpentine for gods sake.

[Jio] "Mr.Shin, answer my question - Just who are you?"

She asked again, this time crossing her arms and looking at me more seriously.
Her gaze is intense— Just looking at her makes me feel like an enormous pressure is being placed upon me.

Like, an enormous pressure.

This may be because she actually outweighs you in terms of stats.

Wait- Wha—

Indeed Master.
She has much higher stats than you.

The only reason she was struggling, was because of a powerful Suppression barrier which is specifically designed to suppress the abilities of Demonoids.

That's just a dirty way to gain the advantage. Guess those cloaked people were actually cowards, who knew they had zero chance against Jio while she had no restrictions.

On that note - MUCH higher stats than me??
Have you seen my stats? You're telling me she has higher ones than me?
Jesus.. guess it's a good thing I don't have to fight her.

[Jio] "Mr.Shin."

She stated.
As I turned to face her - after finally snapping back to reality - I was instantly met with a blade at my neck.

"Woah now—"

[Jio] "Answer my question."

Jesus woman - do you have no patience?!
Why are you jumping to threats already?!

I sweat coldly again, before looking at her - her gaze still as intense as it was before.
Even with the suppression barrier still up, she is able to exert such force...

No wonder they were kind of afraid of her.

'Ancient One, what do I do here?'

No idea..
It's a tough situation - however, even if I don't want it to be true, your best bet is just to tell her the truth.

Jesus Christ... Guess there's no escaping it then.

After a couple more moments, I sighed, pushing the blade slightly off my neck.

"Fine. I'll tell you - but on one condition."

I started, causing Jio to raise an eyebrow.

"I'll only tell you, when we're in Ordial and with Guildmaster Gidou."

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