58. - The Ancient One & Faofa.

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       As I continued my descent down the stairs, I began to slightly feel a slight shiver run down my spine. Once again, it felt like the atmosphere changed.
I couldn't for the life of me explain how or what it felt like before compared to now, but all I could say, was that it most definitely changed.

If I had to describe it, then I'd probably say that it felt... Almost grim. It felt like that feeling you get, when something bad was about to happen.

I suppose that is the best was to try and describe it.

Eventually, I reached the bottom of the spiral staircase, before looking around the room I was now in.
It was just one room, that was rather long and seemingly empty.

As I took one step forward into it, a bunch of torches lit up, all the way up to what looked like a second throne, only this time, it looked more fancy and less... Stone built.
Basically, it wasn't just some random rock with carvings, no, the throne at the end of this room, was more like a proper throne.

And unlike the one at the top that I had sat in before, this time, there was something on the throne seat.
An item or something.

'Sages' Wisdom.'

Analysis suggests no traps around or near the throne, however it is recommended to still take careful steps.

Since a powerful Magical Energy presence is detected nearby.

Figured as much. No traps, but something else that could be worse.
Much worse.

After a moment of hesitation, I began to carefully move towards the throne at the end of the room, taking light, careful and considerate steps, making sure to not rush or be too rapid with my movements.

As I slowly approached, I kept my
[Overworld Detection] skill at its absolute maximum output, to ensure that even the slightest of movement is instantly detected.
I was being safe rather than sorry okay?

Eventually, I reached the throne and was met with what looked like just a plain old talisman or totem, sitting in its seat.
Gotta say, the strangeness of this sight, definitely was enough to cause me to raise an eyebrow at it.

'Say Sages' Wisdom, where is the Magical Energy presence detected from?'

Unable to pinpoint the location of the presence.
A perception jammer has been detected.

Perception jammer?
Must be messing with the 'signal' or whatever of the magical energy presence to ensure no detection skills can find its exact location.
However, even without clear confirmation, I had a feeling that this talisman or totem, or whatever it is- was indeed the source of the presence.

However, despite my suspicion, the totem seemed quite...static.
It had no life, as you'd expect from a lifeless object. Maybe if I touched it or moved it, something would happen?

I hesitantly lifted up my right arm, before pushing it a bit closer to the small totem on the throne. However, my arm didn't manage to reach it, as I pulled back a couple moments later.
I then snapped my left hands fingers, activating and setting up a [Magic Nullification Barrier] just incase some kind of magical spell was cast or something onto this thing that could potentially hurt me.

I then, once again, moved my arm closer to the totem and before long, my hand made contact with the small totem, however nothing happened.

An intruding Soul has been detected.

Taking immediate precautions for prote—

The voice of [Sages' Wisdom] cut off suddenly. I immediately pulled my arm away from the totem, before attempting to activate my skill again.

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