30. - Are You my Friend or Foe?

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    It took a small while, however I eventually calmed down. Sitting on a small rock, my attacker was sat down just infront of me, under a tree - drinking some strange liquid.

"Hey.. I still don't understand... Why did you attack me exactly?"

The mysterious man put down his wooden cup, before looking at me.
Before you ask, yeah - he took off his mask. Underneath I was actually a bit surprised to see that he was just a human.

His face looked like he was around in his mid twenties. He had a pair of what looked like light blue eyes and a massive scar over his left eye.

It all was finished off by a small 'beard'.

Overall, I'd say he looked kinda average.. perhaps even a bit like a 'handsome' father or something.
...I'm getting sidetracked.

[Mysterious Attacker] "To be honest with you - I attacked just to test you."

....Say what?

Just to 'test'?
...You're kidding - right?

Are you seriously telling me, that I almost began to pray for my LIFE because I thought I was gonna die and in the end it turned out to be just a 'test'?
What kind of bullshit test was that?!

I managed to keep myself calm on the inside and not lash out in a fit of anger onto the guy.

"I see... What were you testing exactly?"

[Mysterious Attacker] "Mainly — If you're an enemy."

...An enemy of what?
Your enemy? Why the hell would you jump and attack someone you don't even know, just to 'test' if they're an enemy or something?

What kind of backwards logic is that?
Honestly, by this logic — Anyone I encounter may as well be my enemy.

Oh wait.... If I didn't have [Human Mimicry] they would be my enemy... Right.
Forgot I was a snake for a second.

"I see.. well, I suppose I can't blame you. Better be safe than sorry."

Yeaah no, I'm still kinda confused and a bit pissed, but I don't wanna ruin his parade.

[Mysterious Attacker] "Well I'm glad to hear that you aren't furious about my reasoning. Most that I've fought have gone completely haywire on me afterwards."

I wonder why.
The attacker then cleared his throat.

[Mysterious Attacker] "I suppose we should introduce ourselves now. I am Avid Crowtooth and my class is 'Death Assassin'."

Avid? That's a rather interesting name..
And Death Assassin... Sounds like one hell of a class.
Maybe [Sages' Wisdom] can tell me a bit more about it..?

'Death Assassin' is an evolved class of the basic class 'Assassin'.
Death Assassins usually utilise secret techniques that may cause imminent death to take out their targets.

Well I could gather that much myself, thank you very much.

[Avid] "And you? Who are you?"

I quickly shook my head and looked at him a bit nervously.

"Apologies - my name is Shin and I am a Black Sorcerer."

I introduced myself, deciding to also try and play off myself as a Black Sorcerer here.
Chances were, he didn't know what I was - so I could probably get away with it.

[Avid] "Black Sorcerer huh..?"

He scratched his chin.

[Avid] "Those are a bit of a rarity nowadays, however not as rare as Summoners or Necromancers of course."

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