8. - Overcoming the Dungeon.

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I continued moving further inside the dungeon, keeping my eyes wide open while also making sure to keep my guard up in case of a sudden surprise attack.

The tunnel I had entered, was the same one as that Lesser Fenrir I killed earlier had come from, so I assumed that there was going to be some monsters deeper inside.

So far at least, it was the same as when I entered the dungeon for the first time.

Absolutely no monster in encounters.

Honestly, what was the deal?
Why couldn't I find any monsters at all?

Even that Fenrir, it only appeared after the group of those human students came down into the same room of the dungeon as me.

I didn't really want to believe my hypothesis I had, with monsters only appearing when humans are near, however seeing how deep I was inside the dungeon now and I had only seen that single lesser fenrir - I was slowly believing my hypothesis more and more.

It actually was a big annoying if I had to be honest. The whole deal with not encountering monsters was making every part of me want to turn back around and leave.

'I know I said this was exciting... But if no opponents show up, all I'll have ended up doing is wasting my time..'

I sighed before looking around, trying to spot perhaps some other way to go.

I kept slithering forward for a bit, before reaching a more open room inside the dungeon. Examining the inside, the sound of what sounded like growling dragged my attention.

Looking over to the direction from where they growling was coming from, I saw around what looked to be 7 Direwolfs and then... Another Lesser Fenrir?

'Better to confirm what they are.'

I thought before using my skill 'Inspector' on the group of monsters. The 7 smaller monsters, were indeed Direwolves, however they were Superior Direwolves.
They ranged from level 28-29.

And the massive one?
A Greater Fenrir. Level 34.


Despite the fact that every single one of the monsters was a higher level than me - the Greater Fenrir being almost 10 Levels higher - I didn't really feel all that scared or worried.

Was it because I, despite being only level 25, had high stats and was already used to fighting higher levels..?

'Not going to lie... I'd love to know what their stats look like..'

I thought before sighing.
I had wasted enough time - it was around time I eliminated all these wolves and continued on.

The Greater Fenrir howled, seemingly ordering the Superior Direwolves to launch at me - which they did a moment afterwards.

'I guess time to put my new skills to use.'

I thought before quickly using one of the new skills I had acquired earlier in the dungeon - 'Shadow Step'.
Upon use, I vanished instantly from the wolves view, causing a mass amount of confusion among them.

I then reappeared directly above the Greater Fenrir, before using another one of my new skills - 'Shadow Call'.

Upon use, two monstrous figures appeared from my shadow, dwarfing the Greater Fenrir in size. The two figures then proceeded to hit the Fenrir, causing a pretty decent amount of damage, before sending it flying back, while also leaving the Superior Direwolves in a state of surprise and seemingly, slight fear.

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