79. - Busting down a Lair.

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        I eventually decided to head on to explore the next tunnel. However, I left the young woman I had just rescued laying in the shadows, using 'Shadow Manipulation' to summon a couple of 'Shadow Beasts' to guard her.
Afterwards, I activated my 'Undectable' skill, before quickly heading back down the tunnel, which led to the split off at which me and Wezrall split up at.

While moving back, I heard what sounded like the sound of people screaming coming from the tunnel down which Wezrall had headed.

'The fuck—'

[?] "Quickly! The subjection force! One of the experiments is on the lose!"

A cloaked man shouted, before rushing down the tunnel from which the screams were coming from, a moment later, people dressed in heavy armour ran after the first cloaked man.

'So.. it wasn't Wezrall...'

I thought.
Kinda rude for me to immediately assume Wezrall to be the cause for the people screaming. I sighed.

"Wezrall, is everything alright?"

I asked through the telepathy.
For a moment, it was silent - no reply.

[Wezrall] "Sort of. They seem to have lost control over a creature inside this one giant room... Or cage.."

A Cage? I see...
So that tunnel must lead to some sort of prison block of sorts, I suppose.

"Well, stay out of trouble for now. I'll explore the other two tunnels and then join up with you."

[Wezrall] "I understand my Lord."

After that, I turned to face the right tunnel of the two middle ones, before beginning to quickly sprint down it. With my 'Undetectable' skill, I should be safe to just run around without anyone being able to detect me or find me out.

Or atleast.... I hoped so.

The tunnel dragged on for a bit, before eventually leading to what looked like a 'living quarters' of sorts within this hidden lair.
There were many, many small what seemed to be bedrooms, with what looked like a long, long kitchen type thing in the middle.

'This must be were the members remain whenever they need rest or so...'

I quickly switched to my snake form, before beginning to slither in deeper into the room. There were people in cloaks walking all over the place, however this time around, all of them had their hoods off, which revealed their faces underneath.
Most of them were human, however there were occasional beastmen, elves and even a couple demonoids.

To be honest, I don't know what I expected them to look like, but it certainly wasn't that they'd look like... Normal citizens.
I genuinely thought that they might look a bit more... Rough.

Actually.... There was one element that all of them shared - a Strange marking on the back of their necks.
It was a bit hard to see on all of them, however using my 'Overworld Detection' skill allowed me to sense very strong Magical Energy coming from the symbol.

It seems to be a curse of sorts.
Could be a controlling curse.

Maybe.... Or perhaps something worse.
I continued to slither further on, eventually reading the back end of the room.

For the most part, there was nothing suspicious in this room. It was just a place the members of the Hand Sons seemed to reside.
I turned around, about to head back to the split off to investigate the final tunnel, when suddenly a group of armoured men rushed into the hall.

[Cult Guard] "Everyone is required to immediately prepare for combat, there has been an intru—"

Before the guard could finish, a sudden explosion of icicles pierced through him and all other guards, impaling them and killing them instantly.
Every member of the Hand Sons froze immediately in fear, as the perpetuater came into view, and of course - it was Wezrall.

Reborn as a Snake! (1.) [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt