109. - So... it's the 'Final' Battle?

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        Me and Olhade kept our gazes locked in an intense staredown for a small bit, before I quickly created the Venomous Scythe and infused it with 'Abyss Magic'. Afterwards I spun the scythe in a fancy manner, before swinging it behind me.

Olhade sharpened his glare towards me, getting a tighter grip on his swords handle, before taking a more suitable position to start a battle in.
And then, after a couple of more seconds passed by, me and Olhade launched at eachother - my scythe and his sword clanging loudly and sending an intense wind from our weapons meet point.

The fight had begun.
Me and Olhade began to exchange blows with our weapons, neither of us using any skills or magic during this time.

The reason for the lack of magic and skills probably was because Olhade wanted to see what I can do in a fight without any 'fancy tricks' before he began using any of his magic and skills that I was able to observe while he fought against Wezrall and Odale.

That being said - even without his skills and magic, he was very powerful.
I was barely managing to overpower him in terms of physical strength, which I suppose meant that when it came to stats - he most likely outclassed me.

As we continued exchanging blows, we also began to move around the 'battlefield' - leaping from one place to another while keeping up the pressure on eachother by not giving any breathing room.
It was slowly beginning to get repetitive.

However, eventually I managed to break an opening at Olhade, immediately activating my 'Limitless Acceleration' skill to strike his armour, which not only sent him flying back, but also left a significant mark on his armour.
However, it seems as though luck wasn't on my side, as the damage that I managed to leave onto his armour immediately disappeared as the mark healed in a strange morphing way.

Then, Olhade laughed, standing up tall as I landed back onto the ground a bit away from him.

[Olhade] "Impressive - you managed to not only spot an opening to attack me in, but also managed to do it quickly enough for me to not notice.... Very impressive."

He stated, before tightening his grip on the swords handle. Afterwards, a crimson black aura appeared around him.
I quickly braced. It seems like the repetitive method of exchanging blows was now over and we had made to utilisation of our skills.

This crimson black aura though....
I didn't quite understand what exactly it was supposed to be.

However, I didn't have much time to think about it, as Olhade launched himself at me with even greater speed than before.
I quickly sunk into my own shadow, dodging the incoming strike before leaping out of a shadow behind Olhade and attempting a downward strike, only for Olhade to quickly turn around towards me and successfully parry the attack.

My eyes slightly narrowed as I scuffed.

[Olhade] "It'll take more than just a fancy Teleportation trick to beat me-"

He stated, before being struck from the side - sending him into a tree. In the split second that I entered my shadow, I had quickly used my skill 'Dupe' to create a perfect duplication of myself that would leap out of a different shadow, incase Olhade had blocked my attack.
In other words - I had predicted the parry and created a counter measure for it.

I quickly made the duplication disappear, as Olhade got back up and brushed off his armour.

[Olhade] "A sneak attack... You knew I would block your attack, didn't you?"

I shrugged with a slightly smug expression.

"Who knows?"

I replied before taking a defensive position. Olhade scuffed under his helmet, before the light damage on his armour faded and he launched himself at me once more - attempting to go in straight for my head.

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