23. - My First Quest.

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   Walking up to the quest board, I took a quick look through all the available quests. There were quite a lot, all ranging in the ranks from D to B.
Strangely, there wasn't a single A or S rank quest, however I wasn't really surprised about that.

'Perhaps they have a separate board..'

I thought before noticing a E rank quest.
Even though usually E would be lower than D, in this world, D rank is actually lower than E.
The E rank quest was to defeat and bring back the fur of some Shadow Wolves.

Seemed easy enough.
Although, would I be allowed to take the quest as a D rank?

'Maybe the receptionist can tell me that...'

I thought, before turning around and walking back to the receptionist desk. I decided to talk to the same Lizardman Receptionist I had talked to in order to sign up.

"Excuse, I have a question about quests. Am I able to accept a quest 1 Rank above mine?"

I asked as I approached.
The lizardman receptionist looked up and nodded in response.

[Lizardman Receptionist] "You indeed are able to. In fact, you are able to pick a quest 1 Rank above yours up until B rank. After B, you won't be allowed to do so anymore, due to the overwhelming gap between B, A and S ranks."

The receptionist explained.
Sounds pretty reasonable. After all, I'd imagine that the difficulty gap between B, A and S would large especially with A ranks being known as 'Elites' and S ranks as 'Heroes'.

"Then I'll take the Shadow Wolf quest if possible."

The lizardman receptionist looked quite perplexed by my sentence.

[Lizardman Receptionist] "Are you sure? A Black Sorcerer by himself against Shadow Wolves is kind of dangerous... They have an immunity to Shadow Attacks and resist Black Magic."

The receptionist explained, seemingly concerned for me.
Well, while that did sound rather annoying and definitely quite a pain in the ass - It wasn't like I only had Black Magic at my disposal.

If anything, I'll probably use [Venom Shocker] to kill them all in one go, so.. yeah.

After a moment I exhaled.

"I'll be fine. I promise to return safely."

I stated, smiling afterwards.
The receptionist sighed before laughing a bit.

[Lizardman Receptionist] "I accommodate your bravery. Very well - I'll write it down as accepted by you. All you need to do is bring back some of their fur as proof that you've done the quest."

The lizardman receptionist explained before smiling warmly. I nodded before being handed a small map.

[Lizardman Receptionist] "Follow this map and you'll find them. Good luck."

He stated before bowing a little.
I nodded again before thanking the receptionist. I then turned around and hurried out of the building, smiling widely as I did.

This was it — My first quest as an adventurer.
I had quite the feeling of thrill.. perhaps it was because I was actually excited about this and looking forward to this?

Who knows - I suppose all that matters now is to complete the quest.

    It took a small while, however eventually I reached the location where the Shadow wolves were apparently said to be residing in.
It was a rather distant location, out far away from the town, however not far enough to be inside the forest I had come from.

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