46. - Battle Against the Fire Prince.

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        Back with Faofa...

        I quickly charged at a few Lesser Fire Imps, before quickly killing all of them using my
[Thread Manipulation] skill - which allowed me to completely desimate their bodies into small bits.

After killing all of them, I grabbed my [Devourer] bonus, before using [Abyss Magic] to engulf all the parts of the Imps, grabbing all the valuable pieces before placing them into my small bag on my waist.

I had successfully gotten back onto the correct path and begun the slaughter of the domains monsters once again - however I wasn't exactly convinced that this was enough to cover the lost distance between me and all other adventurers.

So, for that reason, I was currently on my way to fight the boss of the Domain.

Now, normally, this would be quite a hard task - since the interior of this domain is practically a humongous maze with many, many paths to take. However, luckily for me, my
[Overworld Detection] skill allowed me to see all paths and where they led - thus I was able to keep myself only on the path that led towards the boss.

It was honestly quite convenient.
And no, I didn't think of doing something like this on my own, [Sages' Wisdom] suggested it.

I continued to traverse my path - defeating enemies that I encountered along the way.
Nothing really note worthy happened during my march - unless you want to count me getting a Common Skill from killing a Lava Golem.

The Skill I got was the Common Skill [Harden] and before you get dirty minded thoughts, no it doesn't do what you wish it did.
Apparently this was a self boosting skill - allowing me to raise my Defences by a little whenever activated.

It honestly wouldn't help me all that much, since defence was the least of my worries. I mean, I had so much HP that I could just tank any hit I wanted with HP remaining afterwards.

'Now that I think about it... For skills such as 'Common', I sure don't see them that often.'

This is due to the nature of your abilities.
Common Skills are awarded to a individual whenever they defeat a low level enemy or so.

However, if an individual already has a skill that has the same functionality of the Common Skill, the Common Skill will simply be turned into Magical Energy.

Oh... So that might be partly the reason for my high magical energy huh..
I suppose that would make sense. Although, I would have needed a LOT of Common Skills to be turned into Magical Energy for it to be as high as it is.

      I continued to wander the path I was on for a while longer, not running into anything that significant in my way. To be honest, I was fully contemplating just turning around and leaving the place.

However, right before I could do that, I heard what sounded like the sound of an explosion, which was followed by a horrible tremble throughout the dungeon.

'Sounds like a fight- and not a low level one!'

I thought, before quickly using
[Overworld Detection] in order to see where the sound of the battle came from. Sensing its source further down the tunnel, I began to sprint towards it.

Whoever was engaged in a battle right now, looked to be struggling. [Overworld Detection] truly is useful, as it allowed me to not only see anyone who may be nearby, but also allowed me to see their vitals and stat situation.

It was almost like a remote view into someone elses PC monitor while playing an MMO RPG or so.
Hah.. MMO's and RPG's... Kinda miss being able to play those.

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