11. - Back to a Boring life... Or Not.

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Upon finally making it out of the dungeon, I quickly slithered off back into the forest, before anyone from the humans up on the surface could notice me.
I had done what I wanted - conquered a whole dungeon all by myself.

I feel like I deserve an award or something.

'Well, that went quite well.'

I thought, before humming a small happy tune. Looking back at the dungeon, I smirked slightly.

I had left all those students inside the dungeon in complete disbelief and confusion, not to mention - also killed off the dungeon boss.

Yeah... I seriously wish those kids good luck on explaining whatever the hell happened in that dungeon to their teachers.

I wanna see any teacher that's going to believe them.

'No hard feelings though.'

I thought, turning back around, before slithering off back into the dense forest, leaving the dungeon behind.


An hour or two passed - I had made it back (somehow) to the fallen tree trunk that I had occupied as my home.

Currently, I was resting inside it, coiled up into a coil, while my head sort of just sank into my own body again.

I exhaled.
Despite me not being really able to feel exhaustion, due to my absurdly high stamina, I still sort of felt exhausted mentally.

'I really needed a break.'

I thought, sinking a bit deeper into my own coiled up body.
It was rather peaceful.

Just the occasional chatter of birds, sounds crickets and other normal animal noises broke the silence of the forest.
You'd very easily be able to forget, that this forest was in a different world - one with monsters and such.

I mean - in a moment like this, it didn't feel like some different world with monsters, dragons and so on.
It just felt like my old world - the difference being that I was now a snake, instead of a man.

A moment passed, before I looked a bit down.

A thought came to my mind.

'Now that I think about it... Don't snakes usually lay multiple eggs? Why did I awake in a nest where I was all by myself?..'

I thought.
I hadn't really given it much thought previously, however now that I got some time to just think and nothing else - this question sparked to mind.

Was I like the last one to hatch or something from that nest?

Well... I guess it didn't matter anymore. All that mattered is that I was still alive and not showing signs of weakness.

...for now atleast.

A few minutes ticked by, as I laid there doing nothing. It was becoming quite... Boring.
Was it going to return to the same old boring cycle that it was before?

I hope not..
Sighing, I uncoiled my body, before slightering out of the tree trunk.

'I guess I'll go and hunt some monsters in the forest... Again..'

I thought, before slithering off into the dense forest once more.

I wandered around the forest for quite a while, not realy encountering anything of interest along my path.
It genuinely felt like I had gone back to my routine style way of living that I had before I found that dungeon.

Reborn as a Snake! (1.) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now