81. - Case Closed, Back to Ordial.

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        After the battle with the Void Lord, me and Wezrall raided the rest of the hidden lair, finding all other captured villagers before rescuing them. I, of course, used my 'Shadow Manipulation' to summon a couple of Shadow Beasts in order to carry all of the kidnapped villagers back to the village.

Wezrall did also help, only he was forced to use 'Human Mimicry' in order to appear human as to not scare the villagers.
After bringing all of them back, the I told the villagers what had happened and who was behind it. They, rightfully, immediately sent out a request for troops to Ordial, using an eagle and through a Teleportation Circle which I didn't know about, the backup arrived to the village in just 5 Hours, which was much, much faster than the 3 or so days I spent to get here.

After bringing the guards from Ordial to the hidden lair, they raided the whole place, captured and arrested some members of the Hand Sons we didn't know were still alive, and then launched a full blown investigation to uncover what was being done inside the lair.

After all that - and a quick feast the village prepared for me and Wezrall as a thank you gift - me and Wezrall returned to Ordial, using the 'Teleportation' skill I had to teleport to the outskirts of it - just to save some time.

That also concluded, my journey to the mountains - closing that chapter and allowing for a new one, to begin.

      On the Outskirts of Ordial..

     Ordial was just a couple hundred metres away still, as we slowly approached. Gotta say, it had been quite a long time, despite not really being a long time since I was last in Ordial.
Guess with the amount that happened in the mountains, it felt like more time had passed than it actually had.

Aka, I probably lost track of time.

Probably? You did lose track of time Master.

'Oh shush.'

I sighed.
Afterwards, I stopped before turning to face Wezrall.

[Wezrall] "Is something the matter my Lord?"

"Well... First, we'll be entering a mainly human town, so you'll have to appear human."

I started.
To be honest, I was surprised that he wasn't already transformed into his human form using 'Human Mimicry'... I mean, he did it without my invitation when we were in the mountain village.

[Wezrall] "Okay.... What else?"

"Well, second - I'll need you to call me something else other than 'Lord' when in the presence of others. I understand that technically you're my subordinate and all, but I would have one difficult time explaining that to others. So, while we're in town, you are to refer to me as 'Shin' since that is the name I am known under in Ordial. Understood?"

Wezrall nodded, before being surrounded by the black mist, forming into his human form - which by a strange turn of events, looked a lot like a... Well, little kid.
A little boy to be more specific.

Well, apparently, or at least, according to the Ancient One, whenever a monster uses 'Human Mimicry' they are given a completely random appearance that they can change if they wish.

Only difference is that to alter their human appearance, they must sacrifice a bit of their Magical Energy to allow for the alteration to even happen.
So yeah... Not fun.

"Say... Can you appear a little less... Like a child?"

Wezrall turned to face me and raised an eyebrow.

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