92. - Forest of Spirits Pt.2

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        Where the Fight was happening...

        There were three adventurers currently locked in a fight against the same mysterious beings, that had been following Faofa the whole time.
The three adventurers, suprise suprise, were none other than Celia, Nik and Albertó - the Trio of Adventurers Faofa had befriended during his time in Ordial.

The trio were currently exhausted, facing off against the mysterious beings that had seemingly been the ones who attacked them first.

[?] "Trespassers, we will only tell you this one more time, leave this forest at once!"

The Demonoid Albertó looked at them with a rather sour expression.

[Albertó] "We'd gladly do so, IF you assholes actually let us go! We're just passing through!"

[?] "You are disturbing the natural balance within our home - You must return to where you came from!"

Nik rose to feet, before picking up his dagger.

[Nik] "Oh don't give us that bullshit!"

[Celia] "Nik, Albertó! Please mind your language!"

[Nik] "Not the time to be worrying about language Celia!"

The cloaked being that seemed to be the leader of the small group of the other cloaked beings, scuffed under his hood, before throwing multitude of Air 'saws' towards the adventurer party.
Albertó swiftly created a magical barrier, blocking the incoming attacks before retaliating by sending 4 dark crimson coloured fire balls at the group.

Unfortunately for the adventurers, the fire balls did absolutely nothing to the cloaked individuals, as they simply turned into ashes as soon as they made contact with the individuals.

Albertó scuffed, before exhaling.

[Albertó] "You two might have to run... I'll distract them."

[Nik] "Huh?!? Have you lost your mind?!"

[Celia] "Nik is right Albertó! We're a party, how could we just leave you behind?!"

Albertó smiled lightly towards his two friends.

[Nik] "Ain' no way we're leaving now."

Nik stated, taking a battle ready stance. Celia seemed to be hesitant to agree at first, however after gulping, she joined Albertó on his other side, also taking a battle ready stance.

[Celia] "What Nik said!"

Albertó couldn't help but put on a wide smirk on his face, before laughing out loud.

[Albertó] "Oh you two are hopeless... Alright, if I'm dying, guess you two are dying with me."

He stated, before spinning his staff and taking a stance himself.
The cloaked individuals didn't seem amused about the party's determination to continue the fight, however did not say anything and simply sighed, preparing to finish the fight.


Before the fight could begin - a loud scream of agony filled the forest, as it came from the side trees. The adventurer party and the group of the cloaked individuals immediately looked towards the side where the scream was coming from.

Then, a giant pillar of black and purple flames shot up into the sky, creating a giant black cloud that looked itself over the forest - eliminating even the slightest sign of sunlight.

[Albertó] "The hell-?"

[Nik] "What is that-"

[?] "Not good! The corrupted one we have been following has been consumed! Inform the Elder at once!"

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