69. - My First Night Out.

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       I was at my room in the inn, simply sorting out some things I had inside my small bag that was on my hip. There was so much more stuff inside it than I expected - guess it all builds up overtime.
If you're curious about why I was sorting it all out in the first place, it was mainly because I simply was trying to figure out what to do with all this stuff.

While it literally took up zero space noir did it add any weight, since the void inside my small bag that I had created using [Devourer] acted as a separate dimension, in which all the things I placed inside it, sort of just floated around aimlessly.

As I was sorting, I threw a look over to the clocktower in the middle of the town, which was clearly visible from my Inn room.
Based on the time it showed AND the fact that the sun was almost already set, I could only guess that evening had rolled around.

Which meant, that the time with my meeting with the Lizardman Receptionist was also coming close.

As I remember, he told me to meet him at the Silver Ware Blacksmith in the evening... OH SHIT—

I quickly threw all the things I had out back into the small bag, before closing it and placing it back around my waist.
I didn't really have any clothes to change into, so I didn't waste any more time and quickly rushed out of my room, locking it after myself.

After rushing down stairs, I quickly checked out of the inn, before calmly leaving the inn.
And then, I began to rush over to the Silver Ware Blacksmith. If I remember correctly, the blacksmith was located on the west side of the town.

'Wait, can't I just teleport there?'

You CAN, but I do not suggest it, since it could bring some unwanted attention.

Shit... Yeah, better avoid attention.
Well, I suppose the next best thing is to use 'Shadow Manipulation' to move into the shadows and quickly get there.
With that said, I sunk into the next shadow I stepped onto, before beginning to rush over to the meeting point, faster than I had ever before in my entire life.


      At the Silver Ware Blacksmith, the Lizardman Receptionist was already waiting around, standing alone by the building.
The owner of the blacksmith exited the building, seeing the Lizardman before smiling lightly.

[Dwarf Blacksmith] "Oh, Mister V. How can I help you this evening?"

[Lizardman Receptionist] "Hm? Oh, Greetings Hjinn. Please don't mind me, I'm just waiting for a friend to come."

[Hjinn] "I see.. well, I'm closing up for today, so I'd like you to not stand infront of my shop for too long. Farewell now!"

The dwarf stated, locking his shop before waving the Lizardman a goodbye.
I finally had made it to the blacksmith and quickly got out of the shadows, before walking up to the Lizardman.

"Hey! Apologies for being a bit late."

The Lizardman Receptionist looked at me and let loose a light laugh.

[Lizardman Receptionist] "Please, don't worry yourself Mr.Shin."

He stated.
Looking at his outfit, it was different from his usual Guild Receptionist uniform - right now, it was more casual — well, as casual as it could get.
It was a couple of robes that made him look like a rather cheap priest or something.

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