102. - A Brewing Storm.

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       A while later, I was sitting all by myself next to a small pond that I had found using my 'Overworld Detection' earlier. I needed some time alone to really gather my thoughts together, mainly because of my conversation with the Ancient One and my small... Vent - if you can call it that.

I actually wanted to collect my thoughts immediately after that conversation, however it took me a solid 25 or so minutes just to get Frindel off of me with her whole: 'YOU'VE BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH, PLEASE LET ME HUG YOUU!' spheal while also crying like some high school girl during a romantic movie.

Anyways, as I sat by the pond simply sinking myself inside my thoughts, a sudden small crack behind me dragged my attention.
Turning my head lightly towards the approaching individual, I sighed.

"You don't have to approach me like some sort of animal you know."

Which is an ironic statement, considering that I technically was an animal - a snake. The approaching individual seemingly hesitated for a bit, before coming into clear view, revealing themselves to be none other than... Kio.

I remained silent, tuning my head away again. For a couple of moments, there was dead silence between us.

[Kio] "U-Uhm.. do you mind if I sit next to you..?"

She asked.
I didn't reply at first, before eventually giving her the green light to 'Do however she pleased' with a gesture. Kio nodded nervously, before walking up and sitting down somewhat next to me, while also keeping around a metre distance from me.

Understandable - She never really was the type to interact well with complete strangers. And while I technically still knew her, since I used to be her brother, she didn't know who I was.
To her, I was just an Adventurer of this World and nothing more.

As the both of us sat by the pond in silence, a rather awkward atmosphere formed. Not talking when someone else is literally right next to you felt... Weird.
It also strangely felt wrong to not even try to strike up a conversation. So, after a small bit, I exhaled before looking up into the air.

"So tell me - what is the world you come from like?"

I asked.
If I was going to play the fake act of a normal adventurer from this world, then I had to act like I didn't know a thing about my old world.

More specifically, about Earth as a whole. Kio remained silent for a bit, looking into the ponds crystal clear water.

[Kio] "It's..... I don't know, I don't really know how to explain it."

She replied, sighing with a saddened look on her face. By her expression alone, I could tell that something was keeping her mood down. And if I had to take one guess on what it was....

I'd say that it most likely was my death. I know, I know - a pretty bold and simple guess, however, it would make sense.
Even with saying those words, it never particularly felt like she had meant them. If anything - it felt like she was feeling pain while simply saying them to me.

And besides - no matter how much you hate a relative — whenever they die, you'll most likely mourn their death, because... Well...
Death, is sad. That's the simplest way to put it.

"Maybe you can just tell me what you like about it? Maybe how you live or so?"

I asked, still trying to act cool.
I wasn't a particularly good actor, however, thankfully my legendary skill 'Jester' was also capable of improving my acting skills.

Or at least.... I think it was.

It most definitely is master :).

...Is it just me, or did the Ancient One just put a smiling face at the end of his—

Reborn as a Snake! (1.) [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz