97. - Farewell to the Spirits.

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         After being called by the Elder, I was forced to sit down and explain everything that had happened up until my full corruption. Now, of course I didn't explain literally everything such as my reincarnation and stuff - they didn't want to know that and I wasn't about to tell them.

What I explained was everything that was connected to my corruption - aka, events that had some form of corruptions presence, such as when I first got effected by it.
But that wasn't all, as I was also forced to explain the deal with absorbing the Abyss. While at first I wanted to lie through my teeth to the sports and not reveal how I managed to absorb the Abyss or that it even was the Abyss in the first place, I eventually decided to simply be honest - while twisting the story in my favour.

I told them how I awoke in the Abyss and found the Evil infesting it. I then explained that I simply connected the dots and deduced that the Evil was the true source behind the corruption, before then deciding to use one of my skills to separate the Abyss from the Evil, which in return abolished all of the corruption in the entire world.

It was a subtle and simple twist of story, but it worked out fully in my favour.

The Spirits did seem a bit sceptical about it, however didn't budge me any further luckily and simply allowed me to go - telling me to rest for as long as I wished before departing.

However, I simply stated that I would like to depart immediately, which seemed to suprise the spirits at first, however they simply accepted this decision and collectively decided to put together something to give me before I depart.

Which is how I ended up back in the house that they had allowed us to stay at, waiting for them to finish whatever parting gift they were making while also waiting for Wezrall to prepare the carriage for departure, using the Shadow Beasts I summoned - since the horses we had been given had fled when we were sleeping in the forest before my full corruption.

I was now back inside my room - lazing around on the bed. Despite not much actually happening, I felt like so much had happened.
I guess when things are more intense than usual, it feels like a lot happens - even when it doesn't.

Master, I've got some news.

I didn't reply at first, slightly dreading the Ancient Ones rude disturbance of the peaceful silence that was around me for a bit.

'...I'm listening Ancient One.'

You don't sound happy about me speaking—

'Just get onto the freaking NEWS.'

I shouted in my mind.
If it was important that he should just say it!

The Ancient One remained silent for a bit, before exhaling.

I've done some calculations and analysis.
In the results I've discovered something.

'Oh yeah? What is it? That there's actually more than 6 colours?'

Actually, technically there are limitless amount of colours, considering all the different shadings of each colour AND all the colours that humans cannot see—


I practically screamed in the room, making the people outside the house look towards the upstairs window of the house I was in with strange and confused expressions.

...In the results, I've discovered that we are able to use the Abyss as the core for the new body that Arabor can inhabit.

I immediately jumped up into a sitting position in my bed. We can use the abyss as a core?!
Why didn't I think of it sooner?!?

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