49. - End of The Raid & The Guildmasters Suspicion.

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It felt like I was knocked out cold for hours. It was dark - almost as dark as the void I always find myself inside of whenever I go through an evolution.
However, unlike the evolution times, I actually had no complaints this time around, as I barely felt conscious.

Eventually I began to hear voices, seemingly trying to wake me up. However the voices of the people trying to wake me up were all beaten out by the sound of what sounded like the voice which I hear whenever I level up.

It wasn't quite the voice of [Sages' Wisdom], however it was recognisable.

'Soul Pact' successful.
Arc Skill [Odale {Prince of Fire}] acquired.

Arc Skill acquired? The hell was that about?

As I slowly opened my eyes, I found two adventurers practically in my face - one who looked like a priest and the other who looked like a warrior.

[Eelio] "Hey! You okay Mister?!"

The warrior shouted, shaking my body lightly.

[Adina] "C-Come on! Wake up!"

The priestess stated in a panic, tears practically falling from her eyes.
I simply groaned a bit before grabbing a hold of my head as I jumped to life.

What an unreal headache- The hell happened?
I remember fighting the Fire Prince and then...

'Right.. I was inside this strange world...'

I thought, before looking at the adventurers gathered around me. They numbered 6 in people and all looked to be rookies.

[Eelio] "Goodness.. You almost gave us a heart attack dude."

The warrior stated, getting up on his feet.
The priestess sighed in relief, before backing up from me.
I simply jumped onto my feet, standing up before looking around. I was still inside the dungeons final room - the boss room - meaning that I was not moved at all.

It was expected though.
I did use [Beast's Will] earlier to knock the nearby adventurers out, so I could go all out with my Skills.. or I guess, my [Serpent's Wrath] skill specifically.

So it would have been weird if I had been moved.

"Excuse me- Are you all an Adventuring party?"

I asked looking at the 6 Adventurers gathered around.
By the looks of it, I saw two warriors, two mages, an archer and of course the priestess.

[Eelio] "Oh yeah- We're 6 Adventurers in a party. Minus Mr.Avid who you seem to already know."

Oh yeah Avid's here.
And he was pretty badly injured when I got to this place- Is he okay?

I pushed through the adventurers, finding Avid resting nearby with a couple wounds. Walking up to him, I kneeled down infront of him.

"How you doing?"

[Avid] "Haha.. I'll live. The Priestess managed to heal my wounds to some extent, so they're not fatal, however I'll have to visit the church and get treated there for a full recovery."

Avid replied, before lifting his head up towards me.

[Avid] "By the looks of it, you defeated the Lich. I expected as much from you to be honest."

He stated laughing afterwards.
I smiled awkwardly as well, before looking around. I couldn't find any sign of a body or corpse... I wonder what happened to the lich..

Due to the Soul Pact created between you and the Individual 'Odale' the physical body of the monster has been absorbed and turned into the Arc Skill [Odale {Prince of Fire}].

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