Chapter 7

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Just when Mansik was about to walk away with a hopeful expression on his face.

"Well, I don't know who the actors are."

"You're saying you must see the actors in person to know?"

"Yes. Even with the same lines and emotions, it can be completely different depending on who delivers them."


Typically, the order was to first determine the roles and script and then find actors who could embody the roles effectively.

"To say that you can only know by seeing the actor. That's a bit of a stretch, isn't it?"

Mansik tilted his head as if not fully convinced.

"Well, I guess it does vary depending on the skill..."

"It's not just about looking at the actor. You have to see their life. The subtle habits and facial expressions that can't be erased by acting. You can't do it without knowing those things. Even the pitch of their voice can vary depending on the letters they speak."

Mansik narrowed his eyes for a moment. How can a person, not even a machine, judge such things?

But he knew. He was denying it because it was a fact too hard to accept.

His heart was beating at a faster pace than before. As is evident now, he wasn't just excellent in stage and direction.

"Later, look in the mirror and try to smile. When you smile without realizing it, your pupils dilate a little. That's perfect for a murderer role."


Mansik was at a loss for words.

While he was dumbfounded, the boy chuckled a bit.

"Just kidding. But would you like more?"

The boy tidied up the empty plate in front of him.

Lost in thought, Mansik didn't even realize that the boy was getting up from his seat.

"Aren't you leaving?"


"Well then, I'll go ahead. Thank you for the meal."

The boy, who bowed in farewell, exited the restaurant.

Mansik had encountered numerous people in the theater world until now. He had seen many who struggled for years, only to eventually drop out without ever stepping on stage. In this field, only the naturally gifted ones could ultimately survive.


Among the fleeting connections, there were those whose titles followed them.

Nevertheless, today's experience was a first. Moreover, that boy was a complete novice to the theater.

Mansik couldn't shake off the questions. Where on earth had that kid come from?

Though there were still unresolved issues, when he came to his senses, all that remained was the neatly cleared empty plate left by the boy.


Dust flew in the wind.

A boy peering at his reflection in the glass of a building.

It was Junwoo.

It had already been two years since that day. Junwoo was living in a house in the countryside arranged for him by Ilnam.

During that time, there were certainly some changes, particularly in Junwoo's appearance.

His partially covered wavy hair remained the same, but he had grown about two inches taller in the meantime. Perhaps due to some physical work he hadn't done before, his formerly slender body had developed, and his agile face, with the baby fat now gone, no longer resembled the Junwoo of the past.

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