Chapter 21

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'Heukryeong Island'

The movie that Gu Daewon threw as the theme for the first round of the main competition was about people who were stranded on an island overnight due to an accident.

A group of strangers with nothing in common, such as gender, age, or living environment, were stranded on a desert island.

In an extreme situation, an incident occurs, and the truth is uncovered, slowly revealing their past and the characters who are strangely intertwined.

In a perfectly put-together composition without a single flaw, the actors each gave a brilliant performance.

As the judging proceeded, the participants took to the stage one by one. It was already halfway through the judging.

"As expected, Baek Du-hyeon and Taesan Min are the ones who come out the most. Hmm. Is that expected?"

"Well, they are probably the most intense characters."

Cheong Myeong nodded at Gu Daewon's words.

With no restrictions on acting and roles, there were participants of various types.

Some portrayed the movie characters exactly as they were, while others offered a fresh interpretation.

Of course, there were occasional bad performances, people sensing failure and bursting into tears, running off the stage.

One after another.

As they moved further, skilled performers began to emerge one by one.

Cheong Myeong expressed admiration here and there.

"Even though I expected it, the participants' level is quite high, right?"

"I know. If I had proceeded to shoot the movie with that interpretation of the character, The movie might have come out better. Have I lost my touch?"

"Oh, come on, Director. That's too much."

Cheong Myeong shifted his gaze to the side as they were joking around.

"How are you doing, senior?"

Cheong Myeong's left was where Jo Sungrae was sitting. He had been quietly sitting in his seat except when he was judging.

"Why don't you learn from them? Don't you feel anything when you see their passion and energy?"

Jo Sungrae gave Cheong Myeong a jab, as if he was not pleased with Cheong Myeong's attitude throughout the judging.

"Ah... You're right, senior. I was just about to get back to my roots. Haha."

Cheong Myeong thought to himself,

'Who was the most nitpicky judge among us?'

He felt a bit aggrieved that Jo Sungrae would say something like that after being so stingy with his praise and making several participants cry. Jo Sungrae was actually highly evaluating the passion and ambition that emanated from the participants, regardless of their skills. He was also giving them honest feedback without sugarcoating anything for their own good.

Cheong Myeong thought that it was pointless to be so nitpicky with the other participants since only the winner would be left standing in the end.

He shook his head and was about to check the information of the next participant when he suddenly perked up.

"Oh, here he is. Our rising star?"

The profile in his hand belonged to Kang Hyeok.

"Since he skipped the preliminary screening, this is the first time everyone will see him act."

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