Chapter 48

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Roberto felt like he was going crazy, not just from hunger but from something more complex. This wasn't just today; it had been the case for the past few weeks.

He was a VIP regular at this restaurant.

His deep cobalt blue eyes, usually so intense, now seemed empty, hollowed out by some unfulfilled need.

He'd habitually come to this restaurant whenever he couldn't resolve something. He kept asking the chef for dishes with different flavors, trying to fill an unquenchable void.

Even though he knew food wasn't the solution, Roberto felt like he couldn't cope without doing this.

Today, Roberto was even more irritable than usual. Unaware of his mood, the chef excitedly talked about a recent encounter with the child. He's talking a mile a minute.

"Today, an interesting foreign kid came to the restaurant. It turns out he's an actor from Korea who is doing some TV shows. I'm sure you, as a director, would find it fascinating..."

"Enough, just bring some other dish."

The chef's words were abruptly cut off. He thought Roberto would find the story fascinating, but someone by his side gently stopped him, signaling it wasn't the right time.

The chef belatedly realized that the atmosphere in the room was more tense than usual.

Roberto Parmachio. He was a perfectionist film director who dominated the Italian movie industry.

He was also the organizer of a fashion show that was scheduled to take place in a few days. Everything - the setting, direction, casting, and costumes - had been finalized without issues.

No one had raised any concerns about the upcoming show. Yet, Roberto's face showed no signs of satisfaction.

There was an unresolved issue bothering him. What could be the problem? He had racked his brain for weeks but couldn't find the answer.


A heavy silence filled the room.

Apart from his request for more food, no conversation took place.

The only sound filling the room was that of plates and forks clinking. The officials seated around the table, all dressed in suits, were careful not to upset Roberto, each cautious not to provoke his mood.

After a meal that Roberto barely touched, he finally spoke up.

"I'm thinking of not going ahead with the show."

A statement that shattered the silence.


In shock at his words, one of the officials dropped his fork. What they had feared, yet hoped wouldn't happen, was now spoken aloud.

"...You do realize that's nonsensical, right?"

The officials disregarded his comment. At this point, the director's stubbornness or feelings weren't the priority. Everything was already set and ready; backing out was not an option.

"There's been a request for slight modifications in the collection for the final walk."

"I've heard about it. Let's adjust during the final rehearsal tomorrow. And..."


They deliberately started discussing the show as if to make it clear that Roberto's words were not even to be considered.

Seemingly in a world of his own, Roberto didn't participate in the conversation at all.

Despite the risk of incurring substantial losses, Roberto had concluded that burying this project might be the lesser evil.

A Thousand Faces (Soon to be Published)Where stories live. Discover now