Chapter 44

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The camera started rolling again.


Jo Sungrae cleared his throat.

He managed to gather his thoughts.

A process of simplifying his questions in his mind was needed.

If the same answers as before were broadcast, people would likely criticize it as being too forced or scripted.

"I heard you haven't been acting for long. Considering the usual pace of aspiring actors, the things you've accomplished seem impossible. What do you think sets your talent apart from others?"

Junwoo, sensing his intention, responded as simply as possible.

"Talent... Well, I don't know everything about it yet."

"Have you never thought about it?"

"Everything here, I'm doing for the first time. So far, I haven't come across anything that I felt I couldn't do or manage."

Jo Sungrae narrowed his eyes for a moment. 'I don't know everything.' So, he's unaware of his own limits. But...

"Anything at all?"


"...Do you believe you can do everything by yourself?"

"That's what I'm thinking right now."

Jo Sungrae knew such confidence could only come from a prodigy, but he needed to ponder it further.

Would he want to act alongside this young talent if he were in their shoes?

Even if one could discover a new facet of themselves as an actor in front of this young man, anyone's beliefs and values about acting might crumble pitifully.

"...Acting isn't something done alone. Collaboration is crucial. Do you think it's meaningful even if it's on a level incomprehensible to your fellow team members?"

"I don't think collaboration is always necessary."

Jo Sungrae frowned at that response.

"Do you really think you can handle everything on your own? There must be limits."

"Well... it's not entirely impossible."

Junwoo paused, seemingly contemplating something as he stared into space. His expression was unwavering. It seemed as if he had already considered this possibility.

Jo Sungrae asked,

"Then what can you do with that talent?"

"There's actually something I'm working on right now."

Junwoo said this and briefly shifted his gaze to the camera. Making a 'tsk' sound, he continued as if to say it wasn't impossible to talk about it.

"I'm involved in producing a movie with Actor Kingdom. I'm participating in it too since I'm a contestant."


Jo Sungrae's eyes widened in disbelief, unsure what to make of this revelation.

"...Actor Kingdom, as in, our program?"


Jo Sungrae looked utterly confused.

Suddenly, Junwoo stood up from his chair and started heading out of the practice room.

"Where are you going all of a sudden...?"

Jo Sungrae's head naturally followed Junwoo's movement.

Junwoo, striding purposefully, approached a staff member waiting outside the practice room and seemed to be requesting something.

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