Chapter 59

59 3 3

The reaction on online communities was starkly divided.

It was indeed a unique case that could mark a significant milestone in the history of South Korean cinema.

There were heated debates between those who were excited about the freshness and innovation and those who were critical, believing that inexperience would definitely lead to problems.

Some people couldn't even accept the content of the article as it was, scoffing at the possibility. After all, he was just seventeen, a novice who had only recently started acting.

- The casting is insane. He's not just good at acting but directing. I couldn't believe my eyes.

- Han Junwoo is about to make a big move. Honestly, anyone who has seen his videos knows he's capable.

- Does that even make sense? Especially with Jin Do-ryeon, Moon Kangwoo? Did they all go mad?

- Director at seventeen, lol. He'll probably bail out in the middle of filming.

- How desperate must they be to take on such a project...

- Are you guys stupid to believe that? Obviously, there's a real director. They are just using the trending Han Junwoo for publicity.

[Actor Kingdom's Han Junwoo, the conspiracy theory of Fantasia]

[The real past of Han Junwoo, revealing his identity]


Countless comments and anonymous posts flooded the internet.

"...I expected some reaction, but I didn't know it would be on this scale,"

Yoo Sang-jun clicked the mouse and remarked.

In the production team's meeting room, only Park Jun-gil and Yoo Sang-jun remained.

"Hmm. Now that it's come to this, we can't just sit back and watch."

Park Jun-gil was contemplating how to leverage the situation.

"Get the reporters to put some of those things out."

"The reporters?"

"Make it about how our program contributed significantly to Han Junwoo's rapid development. It's not a lie, is it? He's only just started acting."

Yoo Sang-jun nodded, though somewhat reluctantly.

"Then, if the movie becomes a hit later, we'll get some of the spotlight too. We need to think long-term about Han Junwoo. Our station could continue to be mentioned alongside him."

"Okay. I'll proceed with that immediately."

"Oh, right."

Park Jun-gil snapped his fingers.

"Tell me about today's shooting. It's the first since the article was published."

Park Jun-gil asked with a face full of anticipation.

He was excited to hear about any captivating footage that might have been captured.

"It was the same, really. He's sweeping through by himself. Of course, the other participants' reactions have changed."

"How so?"

Yoo Sang-jun recalled the morning's shoot.

Despite being the center of national attention, Junwoo remained undisturbed, focusing on practice as usual.

However, the participants who read the article had changed.

The remaining few participants deliberately avoided getting close to Junwoo.

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