Chapter 40

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As the shooting of the fourth mission approached, the judges gathered in the production team's office.

Park Jun-gil seemed eager to show them something.

"I believe you all understand that this mission will be the highlight of the show. Right now, the NK rookie team is working with Han Junwoo..."

As Park Jun-gil spoke, Jo Sungrae nodded as if he already understood.

"Do we really need an explanation? It's obvious. No matter how good those kids are, they can't match his level."

"That's true, but there's more to it."

As he projected the screen, Park Jun-gil implied that wasn't the only issue.

Pressing the remote control, a video appeared on the screen.

"You should take a look at this. The practice session went over sixteen hours, which is quite long, but..."

At that, the upper bodies of the three judges leaned forward in unison.

They had been curious about Junwoo's whereabouts since the third stage performance.

With a mix of certainty and eager anticipation, the judges were half-expecting to see something predictable yet were also excited to discover something new.

Park Jun-gil, aiming to show a highlight where Junwoo was giving an acting demonstration, began fast-forwarding through the initial scenes of Junwoo directing his team members.

"I've selected some key moments. Considering we worked through the night, it was quite a struggle," he remarked.

"What are you doing? Why are you skipping that?"

"Can you rewind that quickly?"

Uh... Park Jun-gil, momentarily embarrassed, fell silent. Why were they so excited about this...?

The judges looked ready to snatch the remote control from Park Jun-gil.

"Just rewind it. That's all you need to do."

With an awkward motion, he rewound the footage. He had thoughtfully selected these moments after working through the night.

Upon watching the replayed scenes, the judges were speechless.

They had expected the skilled newcomers to be outshined in acting, but that didn't seem to be the main point.

'What exactly is happening here?'

The most intense reaction to Junwoo's peculiar behavior, setting up an impromptu filming set in thin air, came from Gu Daewon.

Next came Junwoo's acting demonstration and the scenes with Shin Dami.

The three judges were so engrossed in the screen, as if not wanting to miss a single moment.

But at some point, Park Jun-gil began to feel puzzled.

He alternated his gaze between the judges and the screen.


Park Jun-gil noticed that the judges' eyes were now following Shin Dami, not just Jun-woo.

These were the same judges who had been constantly asking about Junwoo, wearing their curiosity on their faces.

They had never shown much interest in the other NK team members or anyone else.

Watching Shin Dami, the judges seemed to have discovered something new, leaving them speechless.

As the video ended, Jo Sungrae shook his head in disbelief.

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