Chapter 50

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Since the morning, the program's production team had gathered together. A meeting was underway, preparing for the main mission.

"We've secured enough footage, excluding the main shooting. The participants' free time and the visit to the Diagne Fashion Show. When is the other schedule,"

"That's enough. We have enough. We're going straight into the real deal now."

Park Jun-gil interrupted.

"Everyone was so focused on following just one person that we didn't get the footage we expected..."

He displayed a satisfied smile.

"We got something even better."

Park Jun-gil recalled yesterday's events.

The scene where Roberto screamed and chased everyone out of the site, all because of just one young participant.

All of it was captured on camera.

No one inside knew what had happened.

There, beyond the realm of art, unfolded a scene incomprehensible and unpredictable. Even if someone had witnessed the entire situation, explaining it would be equally impossible.

"Seriously. Did you see that guy's expression? His eyes suddenly rolling back. What on earth happened there? Does anyone here know?"

Park Jun-gil looked around at the production team members.

As expected, no one could answer.

But one thing was clear.

"There's no better footage than that. A director influential enough to host a world-class show, chasing everyone out but leaving a young participant behind? If this gets on air..."

That's when Yoo Sang-jun, looking a bit troubled, seemed to have something to say.

"Of course, I think the same."

"Of course."

"I got a separate call from the assistant director on their side this morning."

"Oh? Really? Did you hear anything? What exactly happened?"

"I'm not sure about the details. But to sum it up... they said if we air that footage, it's over for us."


Park Jun-gil's face contorted with disappointment.


Figures. The production team members nodded in understanding.

Park Jun-gil crossed his arms and expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Are we going to just let go of such good footage?"

"It's regrettable, but their scale isn't ordinary..."

"The filming schedule was already agreed upon. They go on a rampage, and now they tell us to make a fuss?"

Indeed, it was too precious a scene to simply give up. No matter how dire the warning from a world-renowned master, Park Jun-gil wasn't one to easily back down. After all, they could deal with the consequences later.

"However, the casting matter you mentioned is now in its final stages."

"Final stages? Wasn't it already finished?"

"That's because... they keep raising their fee bit by bit. It seems they planned to do this from the start."

They were discussing the Italian actor who was to be the judge for this mission, a crucial role in the show.

A Thousand Faces (Soon to be Published)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt