Chapter 32

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Junwoo carried Jung Hyun on his back and headed to the hospital. He held the damaged wheelchair in one hand.

*Thump, thump.*

Junwoo remembered the time when Mansik had treated him for an injury for no reason when they first met.


On the way, Junwoo didn't ask Jung Hyun any questions.

Why had he been there all along? Why had he been watching him all this time?

Jung Hyun didn't know the reason, but he felt grateful to Junwoo for not asking.

He was embarrassed and confused, not having thought about where to start or how to say it. It was as if this child was giving him time to clear his head as if he understood his feelings.

When they arrived at the hospital, Junwoo laid Jung Hyun down on the bed and looked at the damaged wheelchair.

"This will no longer work. You'll need to get a new one," Junwoo said.

Jung Hyun suddenly wondered how long he would be able to use a new wheelchair.

He had never really calculated how much longer he had to live, but now, in front of this child, he naturally thought about it.

"Why did you help me?"

Jung Hyun asked. Junwoo looked like he was thinking for a moment.

"You were just watching me, weren't you? From the very beginning."

"I... didn't think you would notice. I'm sorry if I bothered you."

"No. I was curious. It wasn't that you were just sitting there because of your disability, but that you knew everything and just watched me like that."


Jung Hyun shook his head.

"If my body had listened to me, I would have been there too. I would have been more enthusiastic about your stage than anyone else."

Stage. Jung Hyun called the plaza from earlier Junwoo's stage.

Jung Hyun started to ask questions about what Junwoo did in the plaza.

He had mostly figured out what Junwoo intended.

'Indeed, what I had felt about him was not insignificant.'

No one had ever understood what Junwoo was thinking.

In his tired but enthusiastic words about the stage he had just seen for the first time, Junwoo felt that he was a person who loved this field as much as he did.

"I saw your previous stages through Sungrae."

"My stage?"

"Yeah. I went to the broadcasting station. To see you."

Jung Hyun thought back to the video of Junwoo he had seen before.

"Honestly, I don't understand why a kid like you is doing this program."

Jung Hyun felt a sense of disappointment.

Even though I know he is already far beyond the program, the missions that take place within their scope are not suitable for this child.

He wanted to see this kid sail all the way on his own.

It was a waste. This child was not the type of person to be a participant in such an audition program.

He wanted him to go to bigger waters as soon as possible. No, this kid will create a new realm in the film industry.

Even if the best directors and actors in Korea worked together right now, it wouldn't be enough.

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