Chapter 14

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The day of the performance came.

Even before it started, the theater world was abuzz with talk of the performance. From "He's coming to town" to "But why there?", all sorts of rumors about Gil Junho, who suddenly appeared to perform in a rural theater, were circulating online.

-There's a rumor that NK Entertainment sent him away for self-reflection due to bullying.

-Huh, self-reflection? Is Gil Junho in that kind of position?

-Bullying? The story that was going around recently seems to be true. This is why I don't trust celebrities.

Not only this false rumor but also,

-Gil Junho is a bit much. Now, he's even taking on theater.

-As long as he acts well, who cares what others say. Just stay focused.

Even stories that confirm his reputation at a glance.

It was the scene 30 minutes before the performance.

And inside the newsroom of UNN Broadcasting Station located in Seoul.

The Culture Department's press room is located on one side.

The office employees, whose monitor screens lined the wall, were busy answering the constantly ringing phones.

Among them was journalist Shin Yoo-young, who was responsible for covering theatrical news.

She, who is currently handling her duties, is in the process of writing an article that will be sent out as a press release today. It was an article about a play that has yet to start.


With a soft click, Shin Yoo-young nodded as she checked the headline of the article she had chosen.

[Supporting Actor Emperor Gil Junho, Shocking Transition from Big Screen to Small Stage. The Reason Behind His Choice of a Small Theater?]

She couldn't muster the energy to travel to the venue and watch a two-hour performance.

Since Gil Junho's skills have already been proven, unless he suddenly causes a disturbance on stage, the content of the article to be used has already been decided, more or less.

Gil Junho's acting lives up to his reputation, moving the audience to tears, receiving an outpouring of warm reviews, you know, that kind of thing.


Shin Yoo-young yawned while reviewing a predictable and clichéd story for an article.

The recent data from NK Entertainment proved invaluable. She swiftly incorporated it and was already crafting the article's concluding sentence. As the curtain fell on the performance, she knew uploading the piece would mark the end of my workday.

If things continue like this, today will be another day without any significant disruptions.

Shin Yoo-young planned to have some beer at a nearby pub after leaving work, considering the cool weather.

However, two hours later, her wish did not come true.

"Hey, Shin. Have you seen the reaction?"

"Are you talking about Gil Junho's play today?"

"Yeah, I guess so..."

I'm working on that article right now. I'll be done once I submit it to the editor."

"No, I think you should see this."


Her colleague handed her his phone.

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