Chapter 60

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"National Treasure, a performer who communicates through acting alone."

It took Moon Kangwoo a long time to earn that title.

His passion for movies was immense. Movies were everything in his life.

That's why he had to fight fiercely. He needed to view his work not just as an actor but from a directorial perspective, to broaden his understanding of the craft and protect his conviction as a performer.

The only easy part in getting to where he was, was the natural acting talent he was born with.

Making a movie isn't something that can be done with just one person's thoughts and decisions.

Everyone involved in the movie needed to harmonize.

Moon Kangwoo had fought and witnessed endless battles.

People walking off sets, clashes between directors, actors, writers, and other staff, pushing and shoving.

Tearing scenes apart, rewriting, colliding, reconciling. He had abandoned quite a few projects in the end.

The process of making a movie was akin to a war. He believed that was a necessary process.

"People contributing to a movie must understand and collaborate with one heart. That's how good works are born," he had said in an interview.

So, how could he not be skeptical about what that kid could properly achieve?

He acknowledged and even admired the child's innate, genius talent for movies. That's why he couldn't let go of his greed. But making decisions alone throughout the filming period and directing all those people seemed impossible. Even veteran directors with decades of experience couldn't easily do such tasks.

He didn't think an inexperienced child, surrounded by the scrutiny of the entire nation, could handle those responsibilities. If he couldn't let go of this movie, he thought he might have to step in. But,


Moon Kangwoo took a few steps back.

He had been idly watching Junwoo from a distance, increasingly mesmerized by the young director's actions.

"Three here, five in area B, nine in area C, check the list on that side."

The commanding presence emanating from that young child seemed to dominate the entire set.

"It's different from what we discussed. Place the order again."

With calm but firm instructions,

"This will overlap the tracking path. No, take the opposite side."

Adjusting every detail meticulously.

Directing a crew of more than ten people with a single gesture.


As Junwoo pushed a large window in a certain direction, fake glass shards flew in all directions,

Different structures were pushed in, separating time and space.

Junwoo checked and finely adjusted the boundaries as if he had become the camera himself.

And as everything clicked into place, the spatial points of the script that had been incomprehensible were being precisely realized one by one. It was an unbelievable sight.

"Is the next thing ready? You know we need to finish this side by the morning, right?"

"Yes, it's coming in right now!"

A Thousand Faces (Soon to be Published)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt