Chapter 71

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Han Junwoo had disappeared.

Days earlier, in the Fantasia production company's editing room.

Since the shooting wrapped up, Junwoo had been holed up there, working tirelessly on the post-production.

He hadn't been home. For over a week, he practically lived in that cramped editing suite.

The 8th-floor corridor, where the editing suite was located, was eerily quiet. Fearful of disturbing the director's work, everyone from the production company staff rigorously avoided that floor.

Except for one person, Moon Kangwoo.

Silently, he placed water and other necessities in front of the editing suite.

While Junwoo worked, Moon Kangwoo, like a loyal attendant, provided everything the director might need.

He never knocked or entered.

He simply crouched in a corner of the corridor, waiting for Junwoo.

If Junwoo stepped out, he would spring up, hoping to share a meal with him.

On the 8th day, Moon Kangwoo sensed something was off.

No matter how long he waited by the door, there was no sign of the director coming out.

Worried that Junwoo might have collapsed from overwork or encountered some problem, he cautiously approached the door.


As expected, there was no response. He knocked, but no sound came from inside.

When he finally mustered the courage to open the door...


Junwoo was gone.

The editing suite was filled only with cold, hollow air.

'Didn't he come in today...?'

That seemed impossible. Junwoo wasn't someone to skip a day just because he was tired.

Something felt off. Moon Kangwoo couldn't shake the uneasy feeling as he looked at the empty spot in the editing suite.

The neatly organized space without a single piece of trash. The editing equipment, positioned just for Junwoo. Everything was orderly, just as it was initially.

Then, Moon Kangwoo's gaze stopped somewhere.

On the brightly lit monitor screen.

A single video file sat prominently on an otherwise empty desktop background.

It was the final version of the movie.

Moon Kangwoo shuddered. He remembered something Junwoo had said the first day they met.

'The shooting period is a total of 67 days and 8 hours. Adding post-production, it's 75 days and 5 hours.'

75 days from the start. Today was that day. Moon Kangwoo suddenly felt engulfed by an ominous feeling.

He didn't even feel like checking the completed movie.

He could only stand there, frozen, in a daze.

'Could it be...?'

Junwoo didn't show up at the shooting location or the production company the next day and the day after. He didn't answer calls. Moon Kangwoo searched frantically for Junwoo but found no clue about his sudden disappearance.

Other actors also began to feel uneasy watching him.

"Ah, he's probably just taking a break to clear his head after finishing the project."

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