Chapter 27

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"So, can you all do what I say?"

Junwoo said.

"Do as you say..?"

The team members looked at each other with a bit of surprise, then nodded one by one.

Kim Yoojin hurriedly handed the script to Junwoo.

Junwoo glanced at the wall clock. The practice time had already passed by a lot. Their progress was almost non-existent compared to other teams.

The team members looked at him silently with anxious faces.

Once he understood their intentions, Junwoo folded the script.


"Then let's start over with the roles."

Junwoo tossed the script aside with a flick of his hand. The atmosphere suddenly changed.

The team members blinked in surprise at his actions. They had assumed that Junwoo would use the script he had finished analyzing, from the roles to the settings and modifications.

They had thought that Junwoo had been coming up with the best plan to save the team while they were practicing on their own.

"Wasn't I doing it the right way?"

"Yeah. I need to see your acting."

Junwoo answered calmly.

"What about that?"

Kim Yoojin pointed to the script lying on the floor.

"I just wrote that for fun, based on your general characteristics. I need to know what you're good at and what you're not good at."

He was being playful, but he was also being considerate.

Junwoo couldn't just go with the script he had changed on his own.

That's because the team members didn't have the skills to match it.

He had to rewrite the script based on their acting levels, habits, and strengths and weaknesses.

Junwoo sat down in an empty corner of the practice room.

"There are four roles in total. Please show us one scene for each role."

"Okay. I understand. Do you all have the script?"

Kim Yoojin stepped forward and gestured to the other team members.

Cho Kwang-soo frowned with an unhappy expression. If Kim Yoojin's words were to be believed, they would have to start the role distribution over again. He had already taken the role with the most screen time, but now he was in danger of losing it. He sighed.

'I have to show my acting skills to this kid like I'm auditioning?'

Cho Kwang-soo glanced around the practice room.

'It's embarrassing here...Do I really have to do this?'

The situation was already unfolding as if it were perfectly normal.

As he was thinking, Junwoo, who had been sitting there calmly, suddenly spoke up.

"If you don't like it, you can leave."

Junwoo was staring at Cho Kwang-soo with a blank expression.

Kim Yoojin was suddenly scared by his words.

"Hey, what's going on? Everyone, let's pick a scene each!"

"But are we the only ones who will be doing this? We're still teammates, so we should also see your acting. How do we know you won't take the best role?"

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