Chapter 11

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A hint of tension crept into Choi Jaemin's voice on the other end as if expecting it.

- You've thought well. I will fulfill all the conditions you mentioned back then. If the child has any additional requests, I'd like to discuss them as well.

Saying he'll agree to everything. It shows how much he's unwilling to give up.

"Yes, let's discuss that later with him."

-Is tomorrow a good time? Since you're coming, I'd like to see you act with our script.

"Acting right away?"

He hadn't said anything to him yet. To ask for acting right away, even Mansik, who hadn't thought that far, looked uncomfortable.

-Oh, don't feel too pressured. You can take it as an opportunity to see the inside and check if our company is a good fit for the kid's practice. Just come comfortably.

Choi Jaemin spoke as if he had already signed a contract. He was that confident. It was unprecedented for him to accommodate conditions to this extent for a raw beginner. Among aspiring actors, no one dared refuse an offer presented first by Choi Jaemin.

Mansik felt awkward.

I should probably go with him...'

The contract can wait. It's clear that this experience will be helpful to Junwoo. Mansik was curious to see how he would react to being in an environment with a large LED screen, state-of-the-art cameras, and sound systems after only being in a quiet rural area. He might even develop unexpected ambitions. These are things he's never experienced before.

The decision can be left to him later.


Junwoo and Mansik sat in a restaurant.

"Why aren't you eating?"

Junwoo, with his mouth full of rice, asked.

The doenjang stew in front of Mansik was getting cold.

Mansik was racking his brain. No matter how he thought about it, it didn't seem like the kid would come to Seoul willingly. He'd probably just say he'd read the script here instead. It was a no-brainer.

"Surely, things would change if he goes there in person. How should I persuade this guy?"

Staring intently at Junwoo, Mansik narrowed his eyes.

Junwoo, as if to say there was some issue, showed interest only in the doenjang stew in front of Mansik.

"If you're not going to eat, I'll have it."

Quickly, Junwoo brought the stew before him.

"Oh... go ahead, eat. Do you want to order anything else?"

"No, I'm good."

"But why am I paying so much attention to this kid?"

Mansik felt like he was the boy's manager at the moment.

"Well, I've been thinking about it," Mansik finally spoke.

"Have you ever been to Seoul?"


"If you haven't been to Seoul, what have you been doing all this time? Have you at least traveled anywhere else?"

"I haven't traveled before."

"Seriously? You've never been on a trip? Why have you been missing out on all the fun...!"

No, that's not it. I almost went off on a tangent. Mansik, having regained his composure, continued speaking.

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