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I stood there looking where he stood, time slowly pasted by, I've probably been here for hours. I look up at the sky and see it getting dark. My feet move subconsciously, I walked around the woods, when my feet gave away from hurting so much. I crumbled to the ground, curling myself in a ball, I cried for what seemed like an everlasting eternity. Until I heard people calling for me.
"Bella!" They yelled,"where are you?!"
"Sam I smell her sent!" Paul, I think yelled.
"Follow it!" Sam yelled back. Paul's yells kept coming closer and closer, but I couldn't respond, my voice stopped working.
"Bella." I heard Paul say, I lifted my tear stained face to his bronze coloured one. Our eyes locked, it felt as if a weight has been lifted off of me, like I don't need Edward anymore, I have Paul. My Paul. Paul smiled wide and came over lifting me in his arms.
"You scared us, Bells." He said looking down at me.
"Sorry, Paul." I apologizes softly. He nodded.
"What were you doing in the woods in the first place?" E asked concerned. I cringed slightly at the thought of Edward.
"Edward left me, he told me I wasn't good for him." I said. Paul growled and started to shake, so I touched his shoulder and he calmed almost instantly.
"You imprinted on me, didn't you?" I asked softly while looking up at him. We got out of the forest, Paul walked slower.
"Yes, I promise I won't leave you like the Leech did." Paul said. When he insulted them, it didn't really make me mad that he would say that it's like I don't care for them anymore.
"I believe you." I said. He looked at me smiling. We got to everyone my dad put me in a blanket.
"Chief Swan is it ok if I stay with Bella?" Paul sheepishly asked Charlie.
"Well I don't see why not, and please call me Charlie." Dad said putting his hand on Paul's shoulder. Paul grinned and carried me up to my room, setting me softly on the bed. I grabbed my pajamas from the drawer and went to the bathroom to change, when I got out Paul was already fast asleep. I giggled quietly as I got under the covers with him.
He pulled close to his chest, wrapping his arm around my waist securely, mumbling my name every so often. I fell asleep with a smile on my face knowing I have someone better than Edward.

(A/N so Edweirdo left Bella. Paul imprints on her. I really don't like Edward at all)

Book 1: So The Wolf and Lamb Fell In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now