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(A/N As I said in the last chapter I am rushing a bit)


As we drove back to Forks, I sat there looking out the window at all the greenery at Washington is known. We closer to Forks, that was when the fog started to roll in, a misty haze surrounding the truck.

"It looks like it's going to rain." Mom commented. "You know graduation is next week."

"Yeah, we know Mrs. Dwyer." Leah replied. "We already have our graduation gowns."

"Yeah. . . graduation." I mumbled. "Who has time for that anymore?"

"Oh Bella." Leah said. "You are valedictorian." (A/n I know it's really Jessica, but imma do this my way since it's my story. So yes, I will be using the same speech from the movie. Why, because it is such an inspiration for me.)
"I know." I said, rolling my eyes. "But you know standing in front of a large crowd isn't my thing."

"I know." Leah said. "But aren't you excited!" She squealed in my ear. I covered my ears, glaring at her.
"That's great Bella." Mom beamed.

"I guess." I replied.

Fast forward a week- Graduation
(A/N told ya'll I'd be rushing. )

It's Graduation Day! It's finally here! I am Graduating high school with my friends and fiancée. The principle made a short speech about the graduating class and other stuff.

"Now, would our Valedictorian- Bella Swan please come up to the stage." The principle said, through the microphone.

I got up from my seat and made my way towards the stage. I got looks of encouragement from my friends and family. I walked up and shakes the Principle's hand. I went to the podium and stood there looking at everyone.

It's now or never.

"When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like, Astronaut, President or in my case, a Princess. When we were ten, they asked again. We answered rock star, cowboy or in my case, a gold medalist. But now that we've grown up, they wanted a serious answer. Well, how about this - who the hell knows? This isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions, this is the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love – a lot. Major in Philosophy because there is no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind and change it again because nothing's permanent. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way someday when they asked what we wanna be, we won't have to guess – we'll know." I said all in one breathe. "Welcome to the REAL world Class of 2006! We did it!"

I got a standing ovation from the crowd. The class and I threw our caps up in the air cheering. I felt arms wrap around behind me.

I turned around, wrapping my arms around Paul's neck and kissing him.

"This is the end of a chapter." He cheekily said, after we pulled away. I giggled at his cheesiness.

"And a beginning to a NEW chapter for US." I replied back.

"That is what you think Mia Bella." The male said to himself as he hid in a dark corner of the gymnasium.

"Come one." The female said, tugging his jacket. "She will be yours in time."

(A/n man Graduation came fast for Bella. It's also coming too fast for me. How the hell did those two get in there?! 😪 only 1 and - 1/2 years left for ME. Imma die. !)

Book 1: So The Wolf and Lamb Fell In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now