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Bella Pov

It has been a few months since I heard from Edwierdo and the rest of the Cullens. Thank God. Paul and I talked about having the wedding in the summer, we are planning it to be on August 13th. Only three months away. I plan to ask Emily and Leah to be my bridesmaids. We're sending the invitations out in five days.

I'm in the middle of planning the guest list:

The Pack

Charlie Swan and Sue Clearwater-Swan (Yes, they got married, I'll get to that later)

Phil and Renee Dwyer

Mike Newton

Angela Weber

Tyler Crowley

Lauren (No lastname)

Lee Stephens

Maybe The Cullens (Definitely NOT Edward or Jessica)

I leaned back on my chair as my computer buzzed. I saw an email from my mom.

Renee.Dwyer.gmail.com (Fake name, I hope)


Charlie just contacted me that you will be sending out invitations to your wedding very soon. I hope that Phil and I will receive the first invitations (enter eye roll). I scheduled a flight to Forks to next week Tuesday to come and help you and your friends go dress shopping. I hope I am not intruding and if I am please tell me and I will cancel the flight and wait until the wedding to come.

Love Always,


I replied back:

Bella.Swan-LaHote.gmail.com (Pretty sure it's fake)


You know I will always send you stuff first-including the wedding invitations, you do NOT have to worry about it. The invitation will get to you in about five days. Mom, you are not intruding, I will be happy if you came to Forks to put your input in and your dress ideas. There is NO need to cancel your flight.

With Love,


I hit send. I got up and grabbed my coat. I walked down the stairs and grabbed my keys from the keyholder and headed to mu truck. As I locked the door I heard the sadly familiar sound of the Volvo passing by. I turned my head and saw Edward slowing down and noticed Jessica in the passenger seat. I fully turned towards them and stuck up my middle finger and walked to my truck.

I got into my truck and started to pull out of the driveway as I did Edward stopped his Volvo in my way.

"Excuse m,e," I said, "move your damn car, out of my way." He just sat there with his hands on the wheel, smiling.

I let out annoyed sigh and cranked the shifter into reverse and stepped 'lightly' on the accelerator, nicking Edward's side mirror.

"Oopsy." I said, fully pulling out of the driveway and laughing at his mad expression.

"I'm NOT paying for that!" I yelled as I drove off.

(A/N For the first time ever in this whole thing I put Renee in it. Comment if you want to see more of her pr anyone else.)

Book 1: So The Wolf and Lamb Fell In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now