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Bella POV
I made my to the table, still mumbling about Edward.
"Stupid....leech..." I grumbled along with some other words.
"What he do?" Jake asked, while stuffing his mouth full of lasagna, along with Seth, Embry and Quil who were also eating lasagna.
"He overheard me saying that I'm moving in with Paul, so he got mad and I said that if he ever touched me again, I'd have Paul and you guys rip him apart." I explained, sitting next to Paul. Him and Jake looked at each other for like two minutes before Jake nodded and continued eating.

I shook my head at them and began eating. There were a lot of jokes at the table and talking about random stuff, too.

"They're staring." Seth said. We turned and saw the Cullens staring, well Edwardo was glaring.
"I've had enough of his attitude." I said angered,"Edwardo get over yourself!!" I stood up, now facing them. The whole cafeteria went silent, looking between our two tables.

"You need to stop being a stalker asshole!! I don't like you anymore!!" I yelled at him, his face turning red as his bronze reddish hair.

I stormed out of the cafeteria and outside to calm myself. I heard heavy footsteps behind me, I turned and saw Paul.

"Why can't he leave me alone." I asked breaking down, into the fragile girl I once was. Paul came over and wrapped me in his arms. One of his hands combing through my hair, as I let the tears fall.

"I don't know Bella. Me and the guys will handle it." Paul said, pulling me closer. I slightly nodded, getting closer to his warmth. We stood there for what felt like hours until we heard a distinct howl from Sam.

"I have to go." Paul said, I nodded kissing him, before watching him and the others go into the forest to shift. I looked back at the school, and trudged my way towards it. Only 2 and 1/2 hours left, I kept telling myself that.

(A/N sorry for the lame chapter, it's just I didn't know what to write for it. So comment me ideas please.)

Book 1: So The Wolf and Lamb Fell In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now