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Bella Pov

As Leah and I were Jessica came running out of the restaurant.

"Hey Bella!," She exclaimed, "Why are you such a bitch to Edward?"

"Oh Imma a bitch!" I replied," Then you're a skankass lookin hoe!"

She stood there mouth wide open.

"You- You made a very big mistake!" She stuttered before turning on her five inch heels back into the restaurant.

"The only mistake here was your birth!" I yelled at her retreating form. I opened the driver side door of my truck and got in. Leah was sitting in the passenger seat trying not to laugh, but failed miserably.

"That was so funny!" She said, "she looked as though she was about to cry!"

I shook my head laughing and started the truck up, pulling out of the parking lot. I gripped the steering wheel hard enough to turn my knuckles red, I loosened up my hands. We drove in silence the whole ride to La Push. I sharply turned down Sam's driveway and saw the guys playing football.

I put the truck in park, got out and slammed the door. The guys tried to get me to play with them, but I walked right past them and into the house, where Emily was making desert.

"What's her problem?" I heard Quil ask, followed by a smack in the head from Jared.

"What are you making?" I asked Emily as I looked around the kitchen and noticed how much flour, sugar and frosting is on everything.

"I was baking a cake, but the boys came in and started to make a mess." Emily said, shaking her head.

"Boys!" I yelled stomping back outside,"Get your asses in that kitchen and help Emily, then CLEAN UP YOUR MESS!!" They all stop what they were doing and sprinted past me to help Emily.

"Does that include me?" Paul asked, trying to look innocent.

"If you were involved, go clean it up." I ordered, pointing to the kitchen. His eyes widened and he ran into the kitchen to help.

"Woah, you really know how to get boys to do what you want." Leah breathed after a long pause of silence.

"Ehh, it was nothing." I said, shrugging my shoulders, "Paul is NOT going to leave a mess like that after we're married."

"Lets hope not." Leah laughed. We sat on the front steps talking about random stuff, while we heard Emily also yelling at the boys.

A/N This has nothing to do with Twilight but Happy Birthday to Corey Haim, my favourite 1980's actor, for those you think he died of a overdose he did NOT, he died of pneumonia.

Book 1: So The Wolf and Lamb Fell In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now