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Edward POV
I watched my Bella sleep, her chest rising and falling. Her heats beats, a steady beat. Bump, bump, bump. My non-beating heart beats for her. I crept closer to her bed-to her. Her blood is intoxicating, I can smell it. It's waiting for me to taste. One drop of my Bella's blood and then she will be mine forever.
I crept even closer, bending down toward her face, I moved her brown hair from her face, she looked as beautiful as ever. I curled my fingers through her hair, combing through it softly. I inch closer if that's humanly possible, and breathe in her scent. Her lips part, she starts to mumble.
"Paul." She mumbled, snuggling deeper into her pillow. She's dreaming about the mutt!!
"My Paul. . . Leave Edward." She mumbled again in her sleep. My Paul?! Seriously?! I huffed, taking my hand out her hair. 
"You're mine, Bella." I whispered, I leaned down and kissed her cheek. I walked to her window, opening it silently and then leaving.

Bella POV
I woke up, abruptly, touching my cheek where I felt something cold as ice touch it.
"Probably, was the wind." I mumbled as a cold blast of air went through the room. I wrapped myself in a blanket and walked towards the window, shutting it. I walked back to bed, snuggling back into its warmth, falling back asleep.
I woke up again to my alarm clock blaring.
I hit it to shut it off, getting up I walked to my dresser and got out blue skinny jeans, a red crop top, I went to the bathroom and got dressed.
I headed downstairs, I noticed that Charlie had left for work already. I put on my coat, grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I walked to my truck and got in. As I started to back out of the driveway something landed in the bad with a big thump. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw Paul, with a wolfish grin on his face.
"Don't scare me like that!" I exclaimed, looking at him with a slight shocked expression.
"I'm sorry baby." He said before he let out a chuckle. I rolled my eyes and backed out, then drove down the road. Over the course of ten minutes I had Seth, Jake, Quil, Embry, Collin and Brady all in the back with Paul.
As I pulled up to school I saw the Cullens looking at us-at me mostly from across the lot. I rolled my eyes and got out, with Paul immediately at my side while the others were next to us, Leah came a short time later.
"The bloodsuckers keep staring." Leah grumbled. Jake draped his arm over her shoulder,pulling her close.
"Let them, they can't do jack shit." I said, as we walked inside to start another boring day at Forks High, Home of The Spartans.

Book 1: So The Wolf and Lamb Fell In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now