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Bella POV

  Renee, Leah and I went to this bridal gown shop in Seattle. I tried on like fifty million dresses until I found the right one. I also helped Renee look for her dress and help my mom look for her dress.  (A/n totally forgot that they already went dress shopping, but hey are going again for Renee. Just clarifying,)

I did not tell them but I felt someone watching us- no watching me the whole time we were there. but every time I'd turn around there was no one there. I felt the person's piercing gaze on my back again. I quickly turned around but there was no one there again. I sighed in agitation.

"I'm hungry, let's go get something to eat." Leah suggested. I turned back around and nodded.

"Same." I agreed with her.  So we went to find a restaurant, as we did the hairs at the back of neck stood still. It was back again, that feeling of someone watching me. I tried to pass off the thing as though my mind was playing tricks on me.

"You okay?" Leah whispered, touching my arm. I looked at my mom, she was preoccupied with looking around the mall in awe.

"I feel as though I'm being watched." I admitted lowly. Leah nodded and looked around.

"I've also been having that feeling." She said. "But I don't know where it's coming from."

Mom found a restaurant and we went in. The feeling over being watched left. I silently sighed in relief.


I followed my bloodsinger, my mate to a shopping mall in Seattle. She was with her mother and her mutt friend. I watched as she had her mother try on dresses. I clenched my fist at the thought of my mate putting the dress on for the mutt that she's 'marrying.' She's only allowed to try on those types of clothes for ME!

Soon you will be MINE Bella. Soon you will be MY wife. Soon you will be by MY side FOREVER.

(A/N This dude gets creepier and creepier. Even I don't who He is and I'm writing this. LOL. In the next chapter I'm going to rush a few things.) A/n totally forgot that they already went dress shopping, but hey are going again for Renee. Just clarifying,)

Book 1: So The Wolf and Lamb Fell In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now