6. No More Pictures!

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*Ellie's POV*

After brekkie, Daddy helps me brush my teeth and pick out an outfit. I choose some denim shorts, and a pink long sleeved t shirt with blue Toms.

"Perfect", Daddy says, as we finish struggling to get my arm into the second sleeve of my shirt.
"Mommy is definitely better at this kind of stuff, right?", he asks, looking at me as he runs his hands through his hair and chuckles to himself. He tries to put my hair up in pig tails, and it looks okay.

"Not a bad job, Adam", he says, patting himself on the shoulder, making me giggle.

"You did a weally good job, Dadda", I say, looking at him sweetly as he helps me to slip my shoes on my feet.

"Thanks bug", he says. "Ready to go?"

I nod my head excitedly.

"Alright, my little partner in crime. Let me just call security and make sure there's a car waiting for us out front", he says, helping me put on a sweater and taking my handie. Then we walk downstairs.

"Daddy?", I ask.

"Yes, little mermaid", he says, winking at me. I giggle.

"What a sac-oor-i-tee?"

"Well bug, a lot of people know Mommy and Daddy, because of our jobs, so our security guards are these big guys who keep us very safe."

*Adam's POV*

The expression on Ellie's face changes from excited to scared, and I give her a reassuring smile.

It'll be okay, I say, grabbing my wallet and lifting Ellie into my arms, her little legs dangling down.

As soon as I open the front door, all hell breaks loose. Paparazzi are everywhere. Security tries to block them off, but we're just too outnumbered.

"Calvin, who's the little girl?"

"Calvin where's Taylor?"

"Who owns the kid Calvin?"

"Calvin, over here"

I hear them shouting from every direction, and a whimper comes from Ellie, who has her head buried in the crook of my neck.

"Make them go way, Daddy. No take pictures. Leave me alone", she starts to cry and I panic. Taylor would freak if she knew the paps were upsetting our baby like this. Her grip tightens and she wraps her arms around my neck, but the paparazzi keep getting closer. My security guards have been pushed to the side.

That's when it happened.

Out of nowhere, a paparazzi guy, comes up and grabs Ellie's shoulder, trying to get her to turn around for a photograph of her face. Her body stiffens in my arms, and she lets out a piercing scream, her face turning red as tears stream down her face.

"No!", Ellie screams. "Daddy he tryna take me way! I need Momma. No more pictures. Momma! Momma! MOMMA!", she cries into my chest, and I swat the camera men away like irritating flies. I've had enough. They're not allowed to touch us.

"Enough!", I roar, and everybody goes quiet. All I can hear now is Ellie struggling to breathe.
"Get the hell away from us", I shout, turning around and walking back towards the door of our penthouse. I had had enough. We finally make it to the door and manage to get inside.

This is going to be all over the media in about 30 minutes.

I run to the living room with Ellie and sit on the couch. Ellie curls up into a ball in my lap, and she's seriously struggling to breathe.

"Ellie? Ellie, can you hear Daddy? I need you to breathe for Daddy. In through your nose and out through your mouth", I say, my voice shaking.

"T-tho-o-se b-biggg m-men w-ere tryn-na take me awa-ay", she stutters, the panic still visible in her eyes. "I n-need to see my m-my Momma", she's really struggling to get the words out, and my heart breaks. This is all my fault, I should never have decided to take her out.

"I know, princess. I know. I think I'm gonna give Mommy a call and get her to come home early, okay?", I say to Ellie. She nods her head and starts to cry again. My poor baby girl.

After 10 minutes of trying to get her breathing back to normal, Ellie's body has collapsed in my arms, and she's fast asleep. I look down at her and stroke her head. She shouldn't have to live like this. Did Taylor and I make the right decision, when deciding to bring her into our crazy lives? She doesn't deserve all of this drama. Maybe, we made a mistake...

What am I saying?
Of course we didn't make a mistake. It was at that moment with the paps that I truly realised I was a Dad, trying to protect my baby girl from the big, bad world. I look down at Ellie who is snoozing on my lap, and smile a little, all of my worries disappearing, just for a split second.

I stand up, and carry Ellie up to bed for a nap. I place her in the middle of Taylor and I's bed, and walk towards the door. I turn around and check on her one more time. She looks so tiny, laying in the middle of our queen sized bed. Helpless. Vulnerable. She didn't deserve that, today. She's little, and she needs to be protected. I'm her Daddy now, and that's my job.

I make my way back down the stairs and grab my phone. I dial Taylor's number, and she answers on the second ring.


Ooh, dramatic, right?
I can't wait to see how Taylor reacts when she finds out that the paparazzi have upset Ellie...

Are We Ready For This? | TAYVIN Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ