26. Birthday Surprises

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*Taylor's POV*

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. It was 6:30 in the morning, and it was the day of Ellie's 4th birthday. I look over at Adam, who was still sleeping, and sigh. We had come back to New York from my parents' house the day before, and everything was more or less back to normal.

Adam was ecstatic when I told him I was pregnant, but it was still early, and I could easily miscarry, so I wasn't really excited. We hadn't told Ellie yet, because we didn't want her to get her hopes up, and she's also at that phase where she blurts everything out. The only people that knew were my Mom and Adam.

A rush of nausea hits me like a tornado, and I leap off the bed and dart to the bathroom, emptying my stomach into the toilet bowl. I moan loudly and Adam comes running in.

The worst part about the first trimester of pregnancy? Morning Sickness.

I keep throwing up until I can't anymore, and collapse onto the cold hard ground.
Adam holds my hair back as I get sick one more time, and then he picks me up and carries me back to bed, lightly planting a kiss on my forehead.

I don't want to cry, but I'm just so emotional lately. I end up sobbing into his chest, and he just rubs my back.

"I know it sucks babe, but it'll be all worth it when we see our baby", Adam says optimistically, smiling softly at me.

"It could still end in miscarriage", I whisper, drying my tears and getting back out of bed.

"Don't talk like that Tay. We'll just take each day at a time and see what happens", Adam says quietly.

"Look, I don't want to have this conversation today. It's Ellie's special day. She'll never have a 4th birthday again, so let's make it special, okay?", I say, as Adam stands up and wraps his arms around me.

"Okay", he whispers, showering my face with kisses.
"Now let's go see if the birthday girl is awake", he says, taking my hand and leading me into Ellie's bedroom.

"Good morning baby", I say, as Ellie sits up and rubs her eyes. I pick her up like I do every morning, and smother her with kisses.

"You're such a big girl now Ellie! You're four years old", Adam says, kissing her forehead and tickling her toes.

"I four? It's my birthday today Momma?", she looks at me excitedly, and I just laugh.

She had been talking about her birthday for weeks, but she had somehow managed to forget that it was today.

"Yes Ellie, You're four! Happy birthday munchkin", I say, giving her another kiss. "Mommy and Ellie are going to go shopping and get a haircut, and then we're going to have a special birthday party. Leo and James will be there, and Grandma and Grandpa and Austin, and Aunt Karlie and Joshua, and everybody you know!", I say.

"Okay Mommy", she says, sticking her thumb in her mouth.

I pull it out gently.

"Do four year olds suck their thumbs?", I ask her rhetorically.

"No mommy", she smiles sweetly at me, and I just shake my head and smile. She's just so damn cute.

"Ellie, I think you have Mommy and Daddy wrapped around your little finger", I say, and she giggles. "Isn't that right Daddy?", I ask, looking over at Adam.

"Absolutely!", shouts Adam, his light Scottish accent booming through the room, as he takes Ellie and pops her on his shoulders.

"What would you like for your birthday breakfast, my little mermaid?", he asks Ellie, as we walk out of the room.

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