8. Don't Take My Baby

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*Taylor's POV*

The next morning I wake to Adam's arms wrapped around me. I smile and reach for Ellie, to cuddle her in closer to me. I immediately start to panic when I notice that Ellie is no longer in the bed. I jump off the bed, and run downstairs. I check the bathrooms and the living room, but Ellie isn't there.

I run into the kitchen, and Ellie is laying on the floor. I run over and kneel down next to her, and shake her little body. She doesn't wake up. I check for a pulse, and she still has one. She's still breathing and it's like she's asleep, but I can't wake her up.

"Ellie? Ellie talk to Mommy. Wake up and talk to Mommy", I'm screaming at this stage, tears running down my cheeks.

"Adam!" I scream at the top of my lungs. He comes running down the stairs.

"What is it?", he asks in a panicked voice. Then he sees Ellie laying there.

"Call 911!", I barely get the words out. I can't breathe.

I see Adam grabbing his phone, and dialling, but I can't hear a word. I just stare at Ellie, her face looks so peaceful. I need to know what happened.

"The ambulance is on their way", Adam whispers, touching my shoulder. I flinch at his touch, and I pull away.

"Taylor, she'll be fine", he says, kissing my head, but he doesn't sound so sure.

I lay down next to Ellie. lifting her frail little body into my arms. She's unconscious, but she's still trembling.

Adam leaves the room, and comes back with a blanket, wrapping it around the two of us.

5 minutes later, the ambulance crew arrives, and the paramedics take Ellie from my arms, lifting her on to a stretcher. I immediately start to panic, but Adam holds me back and I collapse into his arms.

"Just let them do their job babe, they know what they're doing", he says quietly, pressing his lips to the top of my head.

The paramedic approaches us and says "Would you guys like to accompany your daughter in the ambulance?"

We both frantically nod, but I can't move. It's like my legs won't work for me. I'm frozen to the spot. Adam lifts me into his arms and he follows the paramedics out to the ambulance. There are paparazzi there, but only a few, and for once they don't ask questions or move towards us.

When we arrive at the hospital, two female paramedics lift the stretcher out of the ambulance. Ellie looks so tiny and fragile on the stretcher, an oxygen tank connected to her nose.

I reach out and try to hold her hand, but they push me away.

"Please, Ms. Swift, your daughter is in good hands, and the doctors can take it from here", one of the paramedics says.

"That's ridiculous", Adam starts to shout. "She needs to be with her baby", he holds my hand tightly, and I start to bawl my eyes out. I collapse into his chest and he holds me, as they take Ellie away.

We follow them inside, and Ellie is whisked away for an MRI.

"No! Don't take her away! Don't take my baby. PLEASE!", I'm inconsolable at this stage, and Adam struggles to hold me back as Ellie is whisked away on a hospital trolley.

Eventually, I stop struggling, and Adam leads me to the waiting area to sit down. People are staring but I don't care.

Adam sits down, and I sit on his lap.

"It'll be okay, baby, I promise", Adam whispers in my ear, kissing the tears away. I rest my head on his shoulder, and he rubs my back like I'm a little kid.

We sit there, and we wait.

Is Ellie going to be okay? :(

Sophia xo

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