12. I Like The Cookies (M)

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*Taylor's POV*

warning: this chapter has slightly mature themes, so if you don't want to read it, I'd suggest that you skip it!

I rest my head on Adam's shoulder and let out a sigh of relief, smiling to myself as I hear Ellie and my mom chattering away in the kitchen, making cookies.

"What are we gonna do Adam? She's terrified to go out in public because of the paparazzi, and even with my career break, they'll still be there", I whisper, as he wraps his arms around me.

"We'll figure something out", he says, kissing me reassuringly.
"But for now, we should carry on from where we left off on the plane", he winks at me and gently grabs my ass.

"Adam! Wait until later, my Mom and our daughter are just in the kitchen", I say sternly, but Adam just laughs and I blush a little.

Adam still doesn't listen, and leans in to kiss me. I eventually kiss back, and soon enough we're making out. I moan softly into Adam's mouth, and he kisses me feverishly. He slides his hands under my t shirt and bra, and starts to massage my breasts.

"Adam", I moan just loud enough so that he's the only one that can hear me.

"Fuck, Taylor", he says looking down at his crotch. "I really think we need to finish this off in your room", he moans. I stand up and grab his hand.

"We have like 15 minutes before my Mom notices that we're gone", I say, as we run up the stairs to my old bedroom.

We shut the door behind us and lock it. Adam grabs me and throws me on the bed, and I giggle at how eager he is.

Then, I see stars.

Adam and I walk down the stairs hand in hand, and go into the kitchen.
My Mom is sitting at the kitchen table with Ellie in her lap, and they're looking at a cookbook together.

When they hear us come in, they both turn around, Ellie looking content to be in her Grandma's arms. My Mom smirks at us as if she knows what we were doing, and my cheeks turn red. I look at Adam, but he and my just Mom just start laughing.

"Nice of you guys to make an appearance", she winks at us both, and then lifts Ellie up to go and take their cookies out of the oven.

"Ooh", Ellie whispers as she sees the cookies. "I like the cookies Gramma", she says, making everyone laugh. My Mom looks at her adoringly and kisses her cheek.

Just then, we hear the front door opening, and voices coming from the hallway.
The kitchen door opens, and Austin and my Dad walk in, carrying groceries.

"Tay!", Austin shouts, startling Ellie.
I hug my brother and he goes over to Adam to share one of their man hugs.

"Hi Daddy", I say, hugging my Dad and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Adam walks over and shakes his hand, my Dad patting him on the back.

I look over at Ellie, who is now nuzzled into my Mom's chest. I walk over, taking her from my Mom and lifting her into my arms, and kiss her forehead.

"Do you want to say hi to Papa and Uncle Austin?", I ask and she nods shyly. She carefully slides down from my arms and slowly walks towards my brother. Austin lifts her up high, making her laugh nervously, and they share a hug. I take out my phone, and snap a quick picture, because it's adorable.

I go onto Instagram and open the picture, captioning it "Reunited with family❣", before hitting post. I walk towards the kitchen table, where Adam is now sitting, and I sit on his lap.

My Dad lifts Ellie into his arms and she kisses his cheek. It melts my heart. My Dad has always been really great with kids, and you can tell that he loves Ellie so much.

"How would you like to help me feed the horses, Miss Ellie?", my Dad says.

Ellie looks over at me anxiously, and I give her a reassuring smile. She looks at my Dad and nods her head, and I go to find her coat and boots. When she's all wrapped up, my Dad carries her on his hip and they walk out the back door, My Dad telling Ellie a joke that makes her giggle.

Austin drags Calvin away to show him his new car, and it's just my Mom and I left in the kitchen.

We start to move the cookies from the tray to a wire rack, and my Mom looks at me.

"I'm really proud of you Taylor. You have a beautiful little girl and a beautiful family", she says, the tears welling up in her eyes.

"Thanks Mom", I mumble, trying not to cry.

My Mom engulfs me in one of her hugs and we just stand there for ages.

It feels so good to be home.

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