23. Screaming And Crying

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*Taylor's POV*

After breakfast, Ellie seems to be in a better mood, and I carry her upstairs to take a shower.

"Mommy, will there be tigers at the zoo?", she asks excitedly.

"Yes baby"




"Yes, there'll be lots of different animals", I chuckle, helping her wriggle out of her pyjamas in the bathroom.


"Mmm hmm?", I say, as I undo her hair from the plait she had in overnight.

"Can I have a baby sister", she asks innocently.

I gulp loudly and look at her.
"Do you want a baby sister?", I ask, trying to fight back the tears that would start to fall at any moment.

"Yes, Momma. Cus in Frozen, Anna has Elsa as a sister, and I want one too. Can I have one for my birthday Mommy?"

I'm shocked. It was just so soon. We were just starting to get back to normal.

"Well baby, you might not get one for your birthday, because Mommy and Daddy have to get a baby and then it has to live in Mommy's tummy for a while, before it comes to live with us.

"You had a baby in your tummy before Mommy", she whispers.
"Why did it die? Did it not want me to be It's sister?", she asks.

"No Ellie. God just wanted to look after Mommy's baby up in heaven", I mumble. It still hurt to talk about it.

I help her take her pull-up and vest off, and sob silently.

"Don't cry Mommy", Ellie attempts to wraps her body around mine for a hug, but she fails because she's so tiny. I just laugh and pick her naked little body up, and kiss her on the cheek.

"I promise you, you'll have a baby brother or sister when the time is right", I sigh. "But now, you have to get in the shower, because we're going to the zoo!"

I turn the shower on and she hops in.

"Okay, Mommy", she says, smiling gently at me. She was the sweetest little girl in the world.

For now, she was the only baby I needed.


I help Ellie out of the shower and carry her to her bedroom, wrapped in a huge towel. It makes her look so little and vulnerable.

I sit her on her bed and help her put on her undies and vest, and then walk to her closet to help her choose an outfit.

We decide on some black jeans, a flannel shirt with a cream sweater, and some black Mary Janes with frilly cream socks. I do her hair in 2 braids, and she looks like a life sized doll.

This was my favourite part; dressing my little girl.

"Shall we go and see if Daddy's ready to go?", I ask, scooping her into my arms.
She nods and I carry her into Adam and I's bedroom, where we find him sitting on the bed, replying to some of his emails. He doesn't even see us coming in.

"You ready babe?", I ask.

Adam looks up at us, the guilt clear on his face.

"I don't think I can go", he says.

"What? Why?", my voice wavers, but I try to stay calm for Ellie's sake.

"Charlie just called, and we're gonna go and record some new stuff at the studio", he says.

I shake my head.

"So the studio is more important than your family now?" He doesn't answer so I continue. "Are you seriously telling me that you would rather spend the afternoon with your goofy friends playing with some buttons in a studio instead of spending time with your little girl?", I shout, not meaning to sound angry.

"For fuck sake Taylor, it's not a big deal. It's just one day", he shouts, making Ellie flinch in my arms.

"No Adam, it is a big deal. We made plans. Family plans. And you decided to abandon them. We never get to go out as a family, and today was the one day that we could. You were even the one who suggested it", I'm screaming now.

"What's your fucking problem? This is my job. What do you expect me to do? We can go to the zoo whenever. I haven't had a chance to record in a while, with all of the crap that's been going on around here", he roars.

"What crap?", I shout.

"Well Ellie's Dad's trial is going on at the moment. He killed her Mother for Christ sake. Are you saying that that isn't stressful? Oh, and you lost the stupid baby, and I've basically had to run the house for the last 2 months", he shouts.

I can't believe that he's saying all of this. Is this really how he feels? The stupid baby? How could he speak about our child like that? After everything we've been through. Ellie starts to bawl in my arms, and I rock her back and forth, stroking the back of her head, as she cries into my shoulder. She's scared. She wasn't supposed to find out about her Father killing her Mother. Adam fucked up. Adam is Ellie's Dad, not that beast, but the way he just spoke, he made it sound like he didn't want to be.

"I think you should leave", I whisper.

"I'm sorry", he says, realising the damage he's done.

He tries to take Ellie out of my arms for a hug, but she lets out a piercing scream and pulls away. I hold her tightly and bounce her up and down like a little baby. I didn't realise it until now, but I'm crying too.

Adam looks down at the ground.

"Taylor baby, You know I didn't mean what I said. I ju-"

"Just go", I say calmly, cutting across him.

"I'm not going anywhere without you two", he says. "You're my family"

"Alright then. We'll leave", I say decisively, as I go towards my walk in closet, grabbing a big suitcase.

"Don't do this, Taylor", Adam says quietly.

I throw some shirts, jeans, skirts and shoes into the suitcase, and grab some underwear too. I grab my make up and toiletries and put them in, and I zip up the suitcase.
Ellie is clinging onto me like a baby monkey. I can tell that she's confused and upset.

"Come on baby, let's pack you a bag", I coo, as I leave my bedroom, wheeling the suitcase behind me into Ellie's room.

"Taylor, please. We need to at least talk about this", Adam says, following us in.

"Please, Adam. If you love us at all, you'll stay away from us for a while", I say as calmly as possible.

He just stands there as I grab Ellie's suitcase and stuff her clothes and toys inside. I zip it up quickly, and wheel the two suitcases behind me, making my way down the stairs. I shift Ellie from my arms onto my hip, so it's easier, and unlock the back door.

I put the suitcases into the trunk of my car and open the back door to strap Ellie into her car seat. She starts crying hysterically when I let go of her, but I try to ignore it as I buckle her up. It breaks my heart every time I see her cry like this.

"Please baby", I coo. "You need to breathe. It's going to be okay I promise", I say, kissing her forehead and shutting the car door.

I run back into the house, grabbing my wallet and phone charger, and see Adam just standing there. He's crying. He never cries.

"Don't go Taylor. I love you more than anything. You know that. Don't take my daughter. I can't live without you two", he whispers.

I shake my head and walk out the door, not looking back.

I get into to driver's side of the car, and put my sunglasses on. Ellie is still crying, and I reach back and rub her knee.

"Do you wanna go see Grandma and Grandpa?", I ask her.


I smell drama..
Will this be the end of Taylor and Adam?

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