22. Why Are You Sad?

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*Adam's POV*

Five minutes later, Taylor walks back into the room with a grumpy Ellie on her hip.

"Good Morning my little mermaid", I say, as Taylor gets into bed with Ellie.

Ellie doesn't reply. Instead she chooses to rest her head on her Mom's shoulder and turn away from me.

"Somebody is still a little sleepy", Taylor chuckles, looking down at Ellie.
"Did you have a crazy night last night with your Aunt Karlie?", she asks.

Ellie just nods, and sticks her thumb in her mouth.

"No baby, remember what I said? Big girls don't put their thumbs in their mouths. Can you be a big girl for Mommy and Daddy?", Taylor says.

Ellie keeps her thumb in her mouth, and starts to cry.

"Ellie is a big girl, Mommy"

Taylor frowns and looks over at me. What's wrong with Ellie? She never acts like this.

"Hey babe, I think we should go and do something as a family later", I say.

"Like what?", Taylor asks.

"Well... we could go out for lunch or see a movie ?", I say, smiling hopefully.

"Well, grumpy girls don't get to go out", she says winking at me to play along, as she looks down at Ellie.

"I not a gwumpy girl", Ellie mumbles into Taylor's chest.

"Are you sure you're not grumpy?", Taylor says, kissing the top of Ellie's head.

Ellie just shrugs her shoulders.

"How about we go and make some breakfast, and we'll see how we're feeling afterwards", I suggest, getting out of bed and putting on a t shirt.

I head downstairs to the kitchen, and the girls follow behind me.

I tell the girls to sit at the table and relax, while I go and make pancakes.

*Taylor's POV*

Ellie's being really clingy this morning, and I don't know what's going on with her.

I sit down at the kitchen table, and she refuses to leave my arms, so she ends up sitting on my lap instead of on her own chair.

She's normally dancing around the kitchen and telling us about her plans for the day, but today, she just lays her head on my chest, looking into space.

I rub her back, and look at Adam worriedly. He just shrugs his shoulders, and goes back to making the pancakes.

I decide to find out more, so I stand up from the table, and carry Ellie into the living room, sitting her on the couch.

"Can you tell Mommy why you're sad, Ellie bear?", I whisper, as I sit down next her on the couch.

"Bad d-dream", she mumbles, and crawls back into my arms.

"Please, use your words baby", I say, stroking her hair.

"Mommy and Daddy left Ellie forever and Ellie had to go back to old Daddy and old Daddy hurt Ellie", she sobs into my chest.

My heart starts to beat quickly when she mentions her biological father. We hadn't told her about the upcoming court case in relation to his abuse, and the fact that he was being charged with the murder of her birth mother.

I just rocked her back and forth and planted kisses on her head.

"Mommy and Daddy are never going to leave you baby. I promise", I coo into her ear.

I can tell that she is still distressed so I hold her tighter.

"How about you pick where we go today?", I suggest to her.

Her teary eyes look into mine and I wipe her eyes.

"Where do you wanna go baby girl?", I ask again.

"I want to go see monkeys at the zoo", she says, quietly.

I look at her for a second before nodding and kissing her forehead.

"Well then, let's tell Daddy where we're going!", I say, trying to hide the fact that I was panicking inside.

We were supposed to go to the zoo on the day of the miscarriage.

Today was going to be hard.


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