42. The Monsters Will Take Me

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*Taylor's POV*

I wake up to knocking at the door, and look over at Adam. His legs were tangled in mine, and he was fast asleep.
I look under the sheets and see that he's wearing boxers, but I appear to still be butt naked.

My wedding dress was still thrown on the floor, and I look over at the clock.

It's 4am.

Who the heck was knocking on the door of my suite at this hour?

I grab my robe and wrap it around me, before opening the door to my suite.

My Mom is standing outside in the hallway holding a crying Noah, and Ellie is clinging onto her leg.

"I'm so sorry honey, I wouldn't have come but Noah has a fever and he hasn't stopped crying for two hours and Ellie had a nightmare", my Mom rambles, clearly quite stressed over the whole situation.

"It's fine, Mom", I say, taking Noah from her as he starts to hiccup.

He nuzzles his face into my robe.

"I want you to hold me Mommy", Ellie says, starting to cry.

Oh my gosh.

It was supposed to be my wedding night, but in reality, my kids needed me more.

"Come on honey, you come back to Grandma and Grandpa's room and leave Noah here with your Mommy", my Mom says, trying to take Ellie's hand.

"No, I want to stay with my Mommy too", Ellie screams, throwing herself down on the carpet in the hallway.

She was so loud that I was sure she'd wake the other guests.

"It's okay, just leave her here Mom", I say tiredly.

I move Noah onto my hip so I can take Ellie's hand, and I lead her in to the room.

I say goodbye to my Mom and shut the door, waking Adam in the process.

Noah starts to cry again when he hears the door shut, and so does Ellie.

I didn't blame them, they were over-exhausted.

It was 4am after all.

"What's going on here?", Adam says sleepily, as he rubs his eyes.

"Noah's sick and Ellie had a nightmare", I say, as Adam gets out of bed.

"Do you want me to help?", he asks, but Ellie only squeezes my hand tighter.

"No we'll be okay, honestly. You go back to sleep and we'll go into the other room", I say, leading the kids into the other room of the suite, where all their stuff was, and shutting the door behind me.

I sit down on the couch with Noah and turn on the TV. Ellie follows me over sniffling, and sits down beside me.

"Did you have a scary dream?", I ask her, kissing her forehead, as Noah screams louder again, his face turning red.

She nods her head as she sobs, and I hold Noah close to my chest.

"Do you want to tell Mommy what it was about?", I ask.

She shakes her head.

"I just w-want to s-sit with y-you M-momma", she stutters.

I stroke her cheek, and she lays against my shoulder, crying quietly.

"Shh baby, Mommy's here, okay?", I say, rubbing her back.

"Are you hungry Noah?", I ask, untying my robe and letting him latch on.

That seems to do the trick, because soon enough he's asleep. I lay him down in his travel crib and fix my robe, walking back over to the couch where Ellie was sitting, still wide awake.

It was now 5:03am.

I turn off the TV.

"Come on sweetie, time for bed", I say, lifting Ellie off the couch and carrying her over to her bed.

As I try to lay her down under the sheets, she clings onto me, not letting go.

"Please stay with me Mommy. The monsters will take me", she whimpers.

I sigh and hop in under the sheets, pulling her close to me.

"I promise that as long as you're with Mommy and Daddy, we'll protect you from all the monsters", I whisper, kissing her temple as she trembles.

I start to sing our song.

"Looking at it now, it all seemed so simple.

We were lying on your couch, I remember.

You took a Polaroid of us. Then discovered. Then discovered.

The rest of the world was black and white, but we were in screaming colour.

And I remember thinking;

Are we out of the woods yet?
Are we out of the woods yet?
Are we out of the woods yet?
Are we out of the woods?

Are we in the clear yet?
Are we in the clear yet?
Are we in the clear yet?
In the clear yet? Good.

Are we out of the woods yet?
Are we out of the woods yet?
Are we out of the woods yet?
Are we out of the woods?

Are we in the clear yet?
Are we in the clear yet?
Are we in the clear yet?
In the clear yet? Good."

I look down and Ellie has finally fallen asleep.

Everything about this whole situation was so ironic.

It was my wedding night, but instead of sleeping in the same bed as my husband, I was with my kids.

I close my eyes and smile to myself.

Life was weird.


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