43. Halloween

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*Ellie's POV*

I wake up early and run into Mommy and Daddy's room. Mommy is still sleeping so I climb in under the covers next to her and try to wake her up. Today is Halloween!

Daddy is in Cal-forn-ya doing his music, but he promised he would be back before we went trick or treating later. I was dressing up as unicorn, and Mommy had gotten me a very special costume.

"Ouch", Mommy says sleepily as I poke her cheek. I giggle quietly and she opens her eyes.

"Well hello there", she whispers, wrapping her arms around me and kissing my forehead.

"Mommy, it's Halloween", I say excitedly, getting out of the bed and pulling her arm.

"I know honey!", she says laughing at the amount of energy I have.

She gets out of bed and lifts me onto her hip, and we walk into Noah's room.

We open the door and Noah starts to cry when he sees us, and he puts his arms in the air for Mommy to pick him up. She puts me down and lifts Noah out of the crib.

"Happy Halloween my little cranky boy", she says kissing his forehead.

"Mommy, can we have bacon and pancakes for breakfast?", I ask sweetly, wrapping my arms around her leg.

"I don't know if we have bacon honey", she says, and I look at her disappointedly.

"How about we go out for breakfast instead?", she asks, and I jump up and down. "We can call Aunt Karlie and see if she's around", Mommy says, kissing the top of my head.

"YEAHHH", I shout.
"Can I wear my costume now, Mommy?", I ask, putting on the cutest puppy eye face that I could.

"Okay, but you better get your butt in the bath first", she says, chasing me into the bathroom.

*Taylor's POV*

When I finish getting dressed into black skinny jeans and a flannel, I feed Noah and put him in his playpen, letting him play with his toys while I go to get Ellie out of the bath.

They were both growing up so quickly. Noah was now 9 months old and Ellie would be turning 5 next month.

Adam and I had been trying for another baby since the wedding, but so far we hadn't been lucky.

I wasn't really surprised given my track record with pregnancy, but it was still frustrating.

"Are you ready to get out baby?", I ask Ellie as I walk into the bathroom with a big towel.

She nods and I lift her out, wrapping her in the towel, and carrying her to her room.

I help her into her fluffy white unicorn costume and pair it with some white converse, and just stare at her.

What a beautiful little girl I had to call me Mommy.

I smile to myself as I look at her costume. It reminds me so much of the pegacorn costume I wore for Halloween 4 years ago.

"Do I look scary and spooky Mommy?", Ellie asks hopefully. I laugh when she says this. She had been learning about how scary Halloween was supposed to be at school, and she though that her costume was scary too, even though it just made her look like a cuddly marshmallow.

"Yes sweetie, you look very spooky and Halloween-y", I say, taking her hand and leading her into Noah's room.

I change him into a cute pumpkin onesie and matching hat that my Mom sent us, and we go downstairs.

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