33. Don't Go Daddy

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*Taylor's POV*

"We'll miss you babe", I say, rubbing Adam's back as he stuffs some clothes into a bag.

He tenses up at my touch, and pulls away.

I sigh and leave the room, deciding to give him some space.

He had gotten a phone call an hour ago from his Dad in Scotland saying that his Mom's health was getting even worst, and the doctors had only given her two weeks to live. I was 7 months pregnant and shouldn't really be flying, so Adam was travelling to Scotland alone while I stayed in New York with Ellie.

I had already said my goodbyes and made peace with Pamela, and it felt good to know that we were finally at peace.

I walk into Ellie's room and see her lying on her stomach on the floor, doing some colouring.
"Hi baby", I say, trying to kneel down, but my pregnant belly wouldn't let me. I decide to sit on the edge of her bed instead, and watch her as her little tongue pokes out of her mouth from the concentration of trying to draw inside the lines.

"Is Daddy leaving?", she asks sadly.

"Yeah baby. Nana Pamela is feeling a little under the weather and Daddy has to go and look after her, because she's his Mommy", I whisper, as Ellie stops colouring and climbs on to my lap. I couldn't bare to tell her the truth. She didn't really understand death yet and the last thing we needed was a confused 4 year old.

"Oh", she says quietly.

"How about Ellie and Mommy have a movie night later?", I ask, watching her eyes light up instantly.

She bounces up and down on my lap, and I wince as the baby starts to kick at the same time.

"Sorry Momma", Ellie says, realising that she woke the baby and it was now kicking my ribs.

"Its okay princess", I say, putting her down and standing up myself.
"Let's go and see if Daddy is ready to go to the airport".

I take Ellie's hand in mine, and she follows me into Adam's walk in closet, where we find him trying to fit everything into his suitcase. He doesn't see us come in, so he curses when he can't get it closed, and breaks down in tears.

I clear my throat so he knows we're there, but he just wipes away his tears and smiles. When his Mom had told him she was dying at Christmas time, it had broken him, but it was like he was afraid to show any emotion.

"My driver is outside", he whispers.

He walks over to us and picks Ellie up, giving her a hug and a kiss goodbye.
"Look after your Mommy for me okay?
And do what she says because she's very pregnant and will get moody otherwise", he whispers, making Ellie giggle.

He puts her down and she clings to his leg, as he wraps his arms around me. Our noses touch and I breathe in his scent, trying not to burst into tears.

It was the hormones.

Our lips meet and he gives me a hard kiss, and I feel the tears rolling down his cheeks as his face is pressed against mine.

I pull away and take his face in my hands, making him look into my eyes.

"I know it's hard babe, but remember that you always have us and we love you", I mumble.

Adam nods sadly and picks up his suitcase, walking out of the room and down the stairs.

Ellie and I follow him down to the front door, where security are waiting for him.

"I love you both, and little bump", he says, rubbing my stomach before giving Ellie and I one last kiss.

"Don't go Daddy", Ellie stutters, starting to cry.

Adam looks heartbroken, but he knows that he'll make it worst by responding, so he just blows a kiss without looking back, and walks out the door.

I eventually manage to awkwardly pick Ellie up and place her on my hip in a way that doesn't hurt me or the baby, and I carry a very upset little girl into the living room.

It would be hard around here without Adam for the next few weeks, especially because I was pregnant, but at least I had Karlie around the corner.

Poor Adam. He really was heartbroken.

After all, he was going to see his mother for the very last time.


school is kicking my ass and I hate it.

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