Chapter 17{Daylight}

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   "Time is very slow for those who wait;
very fast for those who are scared;
very long for those who lament;
very short for those who celebrate; but for those who love, time is eternal."  

  Everything passes, but nothing entirely goes away. She had lost a lot of years. She was happy with this small family that helped her in surviving the worst phase of life. She got immuned to Halima's stupid jokes that deep down held some meaning that only she could understand. She got Amma in disguise of her mother. They were taking good care of her.

She still was not able to comprehend that why she ran. 

What was that?

A panic attack...!

God knows..

It was noon and obviously she had cravings and her cravings were answered painstakingly. She went into the kitchen, to help Amma. Halima was at University and was not coming back until evening. In actual, she was a lecturer. As soon as she completed her M-Phil she was offered a job of lecturer in her own University.

'Let me get that.', Hoore came into the kitchen while Amma was dish washing.

'oh no I'll wash it', and by the time she didn't even knew that Amma had taken that plate from her.

God, she's being so lazy these days.

'You never let me do anything', she said with sad expression.

'Because you don't have to', she said with all the she had. She was a perfect mother figure.

'But sure You can after the delivery'

'Yes I will, I promise'


She was reaching close to her destiny. No matter what but she still loved this little bundle of joy that was about to invade her life. She would talk to him at night, promising both him and herself to educate him, while taking promise from him or her to take care of her mother as she only had this little star who was on its way to brighten her life.

She and Halima were lying side by side, talking about stuff. 

'Do you think that he would have done anything to find you?'

Halima asked it out of the blue. It was the same question that she asked herself every minute, every second. But she couldn't find the answer. And now she was asking the same question which stabbed her heart.

'No', she said bluntly because she knew him. She had a piece of him ofcourse she knew him.

 She was sure that he must have married that brat of a cousin of her and was running his empire successfully.

 She was sure he must have kicked her belongings out of his mansion.

She was sure he must thanked God after her running away from him.

She knew how much he hated her. Hate was a very short word to use when she used look in his eyes. He loathed her.

Anger seeped in her each vessel, burning her chest. Something rose inside her and dropped down in the pit of her stomach. She was not able to contain this level of tension.

She got up to get some air. Doing forceful inhalations

'Whats wrong?', Halima asked her but she was not in any state to answer.

She got off of the bed and ran towards the bathroom. She threw up what she had in dinner. Halima came after her and looked at her devastated state. 

'I'm sorry'

She was at the verge of it. But she did not want to.

She wanted to rip herself apart but she couldn't.

They came into the bedroom and Halima turned off the lamp and left the room because she knew Hoore needed some time. She was still stuck with him no matter how much she denied it.


Somewhere in the midnight when holys are worshiping and miscreants are sinning she felt a sharp pain in her belly. She called Amma in a shrill voice who came to her side and knew that it was time.

They rushed her to the hospital in Halima's car.

She was exhausted. 

It took hours

hours of pain

hours of patience

hours of waiting

By the time she was touched by both a baby cry and Azaan of fajr and she knew it that her baby has brought a new daylight for her..

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