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Updated 19/02/20

THE MARSH was slightly waterlogged from the light rain, but that's what made this place so beautiful, even with the reeds being dry and dull. There were three bikes, one for each of the three best friends. Gracie sat on her bike, smiling widely as she waited for Bella to go first. Excitement riddled through her body as she couldn't have been any more keen to test these bikes out. On the very rare occasion would her parents ever let her do something this reckless but since it was with Jacob, she knew her mom was more than okay in letting her. Bella sheepishly sat on her bike, her hand touching the clutch which Jacob had just shown her. 

"Now slowly release the clutch..." Jacob pointed out, being the best instructor he could whilst Gracie waited patiently behind her. 

It took Bella a couple seconds to finally release the clutch, but as she did she jolted forward and stopped. 

"Woah..." Jacob spat out, looking to Gracie as they both exchanged a worried look. "Are you alright?"

"Hey, I'll go first if you want me to?" The blonde chimed in, rolling her bike forward beside Bella's.

Bella breathed out, "I wanna go again!" 

With that she revved the bike, and sped off. Both Jacob and Gracie, didn't take their eyes off her once, especially when she began turning around a couple times frantically. 

"What's she doing?" She asked Jacob who didn't respond. 

Bella's bike went from the middle of the road to the edge, her steering becoming unsteady. Gracie gasped as Jacob yelled out.

"Hit the break!" 

But instead she hit the break whilst turning the wheel which jousted her off the bike beside the boulder. Gracie started her bike as Jacob did the same and they both rode as fast as they could toward her. Jacob hopped off, leaving his bike against the ground on its side whilst Gracie sat on hers, beside the bike laying on the floor, watching wide-eyed. Bella had sat up, looking to her own bike instead of Jacob who was right in front of her. 

"I wanna go again," She mumbled to Jacob.

"You trying to get yourself killed?" Jacob spoke fast, examining her face. 

She had blood running down from the top of her head, and Gracie could tell it pained her when she touched it and winced. The pair exchanged a couple more words but she couldn't quite hear from where her bike was. However, she did witness Bella's eyes grow wide when Jacob took his shirt off to dab her head. Her eyes were fixed on him, whilst he helped pat away the blood from her head. Gracie rolled her bike closer, trying not to interrupt. 

"What are you staring at?" Jacob asked gently, continuing with his shirt against her bloody cut. 

Bella smirked a little before answering, "You're sorta beautiful." 

Gracie too smirked from behind Jacob, feeling like her mission to unite them was seemingly beginning to work. Jacob pulled his shirt away from her head and Gracie could feel him blush from here. 

"How hard did you hit your head?" Jacob asked, all throaty to which the girl tried to hide her laugh. 

Jacob helped Bella up, finally they saw her push a small smile through onto her face. Gracie looked up toward the sky, the casual grey clouds were beginning to darken and made sure they were heard with a rumble through the sky. Jacob exhaled loudly for this day would have to be cut short. It didn't take much for the bikes to be packed back up in Bella's Chevrolet and for the three to hit the road again. Thirty minutes into the trip back home, which Jacob had taken the wheel instead of Bella, the rain began to pelt down. As they crossed the bridge in Sappho, it didn't take much to notice that the Sol Duc River's water levels had already risen. The lightning strikes were bright and for the thunder, the claps were especially loud. Gracie was scared out of her seat a couple times at the slightest roar of thunder and so was Bella. 

There seemed to be no other cars on the road besides theirs and that probably seemed wise. The trucks' window wipers could barely keep up with the buckets of heavy rain that pelted off the car. Jacob had slowed down a lot since they had first left the Marsh, partially because none of them could see through the front screen. They couldn't even turn on the heater because the fog in the car made it even worse. There they sat, slightly shivering from the cold change and from the thunderstorm in general. They managed to make it over the second bridge in Beaver heading towards Forks, now having less than twenty minutes left of the trip but the ambiance felt like they'd never make it. Jacob rubbed his hand over Bella's arm as she shuddered at the last thunder clap. 

"It's just a little storm," Jacob said, trying to comfort both girls, but more himself too. 

The trees on either side of the road bent with the harsh winds which swept the heavy rain sideways. Just at that moment, Bella's phone rang. 

"Bella, where on Earth are you?" Charlie asked. 

Bella sighed, "Hi Dad, I'm driving home with Jacob and Gracie. I'll be home in about ten minutes." 

"You're not driving in this weather!?" Charlie asked louder.

"We're almost home, it's fine. Jacob's a really good driver, see we're only driving 20mph." Bella explained, convincingly. 

Gracie could hear her dad mumble a couple things before clearly speaking, "Well stay safe, Bells." 

Bella announced an 'I love you' to her father before hanging up. They'd just passed the final bridge over the Calawah River heading into the heart of Forks. Jacob had dropped Gracie off first on Merchants Road, before leaving the driveway to Bella's. The blonde girl ran into her house, and in the short time she was exposed to the thunderstorm, she was now completely drenched. She tried not to wet the floor as much as she could, hanging her wet coat in Riley's bathroom considering it was his jacket that she had borrowed. Gracie headed back downstairs, locking the front door and making sure all the windows were shut so that the rain wouldn't come inside. As she went to lock the back door, a howl arose from the forest just outside the back of her house where the river was. She quickly locked the door, not wanting to meet a wolf anytime soon. But that howl lingered on her mind longer than it should've.

2017© ; misstonii

Midnight Sun ❖ (Embry Call - The Twilight Saga)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें