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THEY EACH STOOD THERE, waiting. Edward was planning to translate Seth's thoughts about what was happening. Both Bella and Gracie held their breaths.

"Embry's entered." Edward began. "He's doing fine."

Gracie let out a breath.

"Jacob just got there. He's good." Edward told Bella.

She then let out her breath.

They each relaxed, listening to Edward describe what's happening. Everything seemed fine. Everything in the plan seemed to be working. They seemed to be getting out of this battle fine.

Until, Edward began to panic.

"What? Is someone hurt?" Bella asked.

"She's close!" Edward's eyes went wide.

He turned to Seth. "Take Gracie and go."

Seth's teeth grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled her away from the area. They were behind a rock, hidden by trees. Gracie stopped.

"Wait." She called to Seth, who turned and cocked his head.

Gracie turned around, walking back quickly. She hid behind the rock, with a view of Edward and Bella. Though she struggled to hear the entire conversation.

"You're from Forks. You're from the area." Edward said.

Gracie couldn't tell who he was talking to. She peered a step closer but Seth tugged at her shirt.

She turned to him. "What if it's Riley?"

Seth whined slightly, wanting to get her away from the area like Edward had asked but Gracie protested against him. She got up and crept quietly closer.

That's when she heard his voice.

"You're dead."

Seth jumped out from behind her beginning the attack on Riley. Gracie sprinted out.

"Stop, Seth!" She yelled.

Seth instantly let go, ripping Riley's lower arm off. It was like porcelain. Riley roared. Victoria began her attack on Edward behind Gracie.

"Riley? Riley!" Gracie yelled at her older brother.

Riley turned his head, practically shaking in his movements. Seth stood beside Gracie, guarding her.

"Don't get involved in this." He snarled at Gracie.

Seth roared a loud growl at him, cautioning Riley.

"No, you don't understand. Listen to us." Gracie begged him.

They turned around. Bella's arm was bleeding and Victoria was set of fire. Riley sniffed strongly toward Bella and her bleeding arm.

"Look at me." Gracie squatted in front of him, her hands on his cheeks. It was a big risk, but she wanted her brother back. "We can save you."

Riley stood up with Gracie. "I'm sorry. I didn't know."

She clenched onto him into a big hug. He felt different but at least he was still alive.

The four of them followed Seth down the mountain to reach the others.

As they found the lower ground, everybody saw that each of the Cullen's were still there - the same for each of the wolves. Riley stayed close to Gracie whilst Seth re joined Sam.

A newborn vampire popped out behind a tree, jumping on Gracie. She let out a scream. The wolves were on the furthest end and came bounding as quickly as they could, Embry and Sam leading.

Riley stepped in, throwing the vampire he'd created off to the rock, but the newborn was stronger in the attack. Embry finally reached Gracie's side. She stood up, her arm swinging around his body whilst he snarled continuously at the vampires.

Then Gracie's biggest nightmare came true. The newborn vampire did a trick swing and ripped Riley's head off.

Gracie screamed and cried so hard that her legs gave way and she found the floor. Embry phased back, his embrace holding her tightly as she cried into his neck. Leah had a go at the newborn but he managed to get his arms around her body, ready to crush her. Jacob came to her aid, ripping the vampire off her and tumbling around with him until eventually the male newborn crushed Jacob's ribs.

Bella yelled from across the field running over the Jacob. Jacob and re-phased, squirming on the floor in agony.

The rest of the wolves phased back, ready to take Jacob back to Billy's house. Gracie followed back with Seth and Leah consoling her. Gracie's heart hurt more than any words could put together. She dared think about the pain she'd feel if she'd lost Embry too along the future.

All hope of finding Riley and saving him was sealed off. He was dead now, properly dead. She'd had enough of being so vulnerable. Gracie began to think what life would be if the legends of fantasy never existed. Maybe right now her brother would still be alive. Maybe right now she'd be happy. 


thanks For 4K reads people, xoxo

2017 ©misstonii

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