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Updated 19/02/20

SUNDAY WENT BY like a breeze and it was soon an early Monday morning. Usually by now she'd be stressing at what outfit to wear to school, considering she tried to at least dress to impress herself. She wasn't Bella, that's for sure! Bella would just pull over her usual pair of jeans with a simple plain t-shirt and always, always wearing lace up, black and white canvas shoes. Nope, Gracie was more creative in her wardrobe choices - either matching beautiful flared mini skirts with balancing t-shirts or it was an elegant playsuit paired with a light jean jacket. Guess you could say she's really into fashion, or trying to pretend she is! The one thing she didn't ever change was her necklaces. There were always the same two, every day, worn at different lengths; the longer one was a half moon whilst the shorter one was a dove given by her older brother on her fourteenth birthday. Right now, she didn't need to plan out any of my outfits due to every students favourite reason.

As of now, it was spring break in Forks once again and just like everybody else, when she woke up on the dreaded Monday morning, she continued to lay in bed - absorbing the fact that there was no school to attend to today. Last spring break, Bella seemed to go crazy and run off with Edward back to Phoenix, Arizona, ending up in hospital with a broken leg right before our tenth grade formal. So right now, she wondered what stunt Bella would pull during this Spring Break. It seemed to be tradition lately - where she keep an eye out on Bella, especially when Edward left - but yesterday, Jacob took over and spent the day with her at La Push. Tonight, went a little bit better, and weirder in ways only Forks could ever get. 

Sam Uley brought his fiancé, Emily, with him to join Charlie, Bella and Gracie for dessert at Billy Black's house. Emily brought a cake she had made before coming over, to which the men were all grateful for the extra food. The conversations were casual between all. In the kitchen, Billy, Charlie and Emily were talking about the Forks and La Push in general, Charlie's job and what not, whilst Jacob and Bella sat silently looking at one another as if they really needed to talk about something but couldn't. Gracie sat in the living room beside Sam - who was talking to her about things Charlie wouldn't know of. Maybe he was trying to figure the girl out, especially as Embry is one of the wolves in his own pack, but she was still uncomfortable around this Sam Uley. His essence, was quite frightening. 

"Embry puts a lot onto himself, he doesn't exactly have the best luck with his family." Sam began, whilst she took another spoonful of Emily's pavlova from her plate. "And he was head-over-heels with you even before imprinting." 

Gracie put her spoon down, "Imprinting?" 

Sam paused for a moment, "He hasn't mentioned that yet, has he? Oh boy." 

At that moment, Emily came into the room, smiling. "How's it going?" 

"Sam won't tell me what imprinting is..." She burst out to Emily, feeling like she'd surely tell her. 

Emily looked to Sam, then to Gracie. Stunned. She nodded to Sam, who walked out of the room, not before giving his fiancé a gentle kiss on the cheek. Emily soon sat beside Gracie, her hand on top of hers. 

"Imprinting is like love in a way, it finds their soulmate. For some it can be gruesome and heartbreaking whilst others will find it gleeful and exciting. Sam imprinted on me, a few years back." Emily began, waiting for her reaction. 

"So you're saying Embry imprinted on me?" Gracie asked, whilst Emily smiled widely. 

"Yes! But what makes it even better, is that he was in love with you before he even phased." 

Now she was really beginning to get lost in the whole imprinting fiasco. 

"What I mean is that, Embry liked you from the start, then he phased to a shape-shifter and the first time he'd looked into your eyes, he imprinted on you. You are his soulmate."

"Right..." Gracie slowly said, understanding as slow as her words were forming. "I understand what it means now, but what does it mean for us now?"

"It means, and you may or may not like it entirely, but Embry feels a deep need to do anything to please and protect you. When you're around, it's like a magnet - you'll feel it too - the desire to want to be right beside him all the time, like your heart feels warmer when you're close to one another." Emily was pretty much wrapping up everything, standing up and bringing Gracie up with her. "I think if you have anything else you don't understand you should ask Embry. Trust in him, he won't let you down. In fact, I let you in on a little secret - I feel that imprinting keeps the boys in alignment to the proper way they should treat girls." 

With that, both girls giggled. It was beginning to get late now. Charlie and Billy were wrapping things up whilst Sam had rejoined Emily's side. Gracie seemed to pay more attention to the two, knowing about the imprinting now. Jacob and Bella had returned from outside and she seemed to be happy, in her Bella kind of way. 

"Thank you for having us," Charlie yelled to Billy before leaving, and Jacob followed us to the sheriff's car.

"Hey, Bella. Why don't we go cliff diving this Wednesday?" Jacob asked Bella. Gracie didn't bother to intrude the conversation so she hopped into the car, letting them talk quickly. 

There were things she still wanted to know about the werewolves and especially about Embry Call. So figure, this Wednesday - she too will be out in La Push, but instead with Embry. 

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Thank you all for reading x

2017© ; misstonii

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